Time Series Long Term Storage¶
CrateDB stores large volumes of data, keeping it accessible for querying and insightful analysis, even considering historic data records. Never retire data just because your database can’t handle the cardinality.
Use Cases and Tutorials
CrateDB as metrics and log data store for the long term
Store and analyze high volumes of system monitoring information. Read more about using CrateDB as Telemetry Data Store.
Long Term Storage Metrics Logging
CrateDB provides real-time analytics on raw data stored for the long term
Keep massive amounts of data ready in the hot zone for analytics purposes. Read more about using CrateDB for Raw-Data Analytics.
Long Term Storage Real-Time Analytics
Storing and analyzing massive amounts of synoptic weather data
Wetterdienst uses CrateDB for mass storage of weather data, allowing you to query it efficiently. It provides access to data at more than ten canonical sources of raw weather data from domestic weather agencies.
Earth Observations Metadata Sensor Data Rich Time Series
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