Video Tutorials

Video tutorials about time series with CrateDB.

Time Series Data and CrateDB

A collection of videos about how CrateDB deals with time-series data

Time Series Data and CrateDB

CrateDB simplifies the complexity of managing time-series data. It provides a comprehensive solution for storing, querying, and extracting insights from large-scale and high-volume time-series datasets.

Learn more about CrateDB and Time Series Data.

Time Series


Importing and Exporting Data with CrateDB

The basics of COPY FROM and COPY TO

Importing and Exporting Data with CrateDB

This video tutorial uses the Quotes Dataset to illustrate how importing JSON and CSV data into CrateDB works, by using the COPY FROM statement.

Afterwards, it will demonstrate how to export data from CrateDB to a local file system, using the COPY TO statement.

For more information about how to import and export data from/into CrateDB, please refer to Load and Export.

Import and Export


Analyzing Time Series Data with CrateDB

From raw data to fast analysis in only three steps

Time series data: From raw data to fast analysis in only three steps

In this extensive video tutorial, Karyn and Niklas will show you how to use time series data and data analysis to help businesses understand patterns, trends, and causes over time.

On behalf of the webinar,’s Solution Engineering team guides you through the implementation steps of a time series use case - from table layout to querying.

Our speakers will also show you how to find the right sharding and partitioning strategy for your time series data in CrateDB.

Time Series
Import and Export


CrateDB in Analytics Applications

Real-time analytics on raw tracking data

Learn how Bitmovin leverages CrateDB to support real-time analytics on top of tracking data from their video streaming broadcasting system.

Time Series
Tracking Analytics


CrateDB in Industrial Applications

Industrial Analytics Platform, High-Speed Production Lines, and Logistics

Learn how ABB, Rauch, SPGo!, and TGW leverage CrateDB to support their application platforms, high-speed shop-floor production lines, machine monitoring solutions, and logistics databases for warehouses around the world.

Time Series
Industrial IoT
