White Paper

Guide for Time Series Data Projects

Part 2: Ingestion, Indexing, Analysis, and Optimization


This comprehensive guide divided into 3 parts covers everything you need to know to get started with a time series data project:

  • Part 1 is about Data Modeling, Storage, and Lifecycle with CrateDB.

  • Part 2 below examines how CrateDB's unique indexing and storage features enhance data retrieval and analysis. Key highlights include:
    • Data ingestion techniques, including batch import and streaming;
    • Automatic indexing techniques that ensure efficient ad-hoc data aggregation and search;
    • Advanced SQL querying capabilities for data analysis;
    • Query optimization techniques.

  • Part 3 goes through time series data visualization and advanced analysis through machine learning.


Guide for Time Series Data Projects. Part 2: Ingestion, Indexing, Analysis, and Optimization

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