With this setup, you can collect metrics with Telegraf and then take advantage of CrateDB's capacity for ingesting, storing, and analyzing huge amounts of data in real-time.
I will show you how to do this on macOS, but these instructions should be adaptable for Linux or Windows systems.
In this tutorial, I use the ad-hoc method to install CrateDB, following this step-by-step tutorial. First, I download CrateDB (version 4.6.1) and unpack it. In the terminal, I navigate to the unpacked CrateDB root folder with the command
cd /crate-4.6.1
and run a single-node instance from CrateDB with
Other installing options (e.g. Docker) are described in CrateDB Installation Tutorial.
Open http://localhost:4200 in your browser to connect to the CrateDB Admin UI:
If you're using macOS, you can install Telegraf from the Terminal with Homebrew:
$ brew update
$ brew install telegraf
If you are using a different operating system or are looking for more details regarding the installation, head over to the Telegraf Installation Documentation.
After running the commands above, I am presented with the option to start Telegraf as a system service or use the system-wide configuration file:
==> Pouring telegraf--1.20.0.big_sur.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
To start telegraf:
brew services start telegraf
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
/usr/local/opt/telegraf/bin/telegraf -config /usr/local/etc/telegraf.conf -config-directory /usr/local/etc/telegraf.d
For the purposes of this demo, however, I will show you how to set things up in a temporary fashion in the following section.
The first thing I do is generate the default configuration file, like so:
$ telegraf \
--input-filter cpu \
--output-filter cratedb \
config > telegraf.conf
Let’s break this command down:--input-filter cpu
to limit input plugins so that Telegraf only collects readings about CPU usage on my local computer--output-filter cratedb
to limit the output pluginstelegraph
to generate a configuration file and redirect that output to a file named telegraf.conf telegraf.conf
.If you wish to learn more about this configuration and how to easily adapt it, head to the Telegraf configuration documentation.
Now, I can open the telegraf.conf file in my favorite text editor. For this tutorial, I will use DataGrip: you can find a more detailed CrateDB with DataGrip tutorial on our blog, but for this use, a simple installation should be enough.
On DataGrip, I scroll down the telegraf.conf
file, where I find the INPUT PLUGINS
This part of the file is showing the input configuration I did previously. For the purpose of this tutorial, there is no need to alter this section.
Now I scroll up to the OUTPUT PLUGINS
section, which looks like this:
This is the part of the configuration where I set up the connection to CrateDB. If you look at the url
variable, you'll notice that we are using the PostgreSQL connection protocol and that the user
, password
, and schema
have not yet been set up. So I will edit the url
to connect to CrateDB with the default crate user (that doesn’t require a password) and the doc
schema. In the end, the whole section will look like this:
# Configuration for CrateDB to send metrics to.
# A github.com/jackc/pgx/v4 connection string.
# See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4#ParseConfig
url = "postgres://crate@localhost/doc?sslmode=disable"
# Timeout for all CrateDB queries.
timeout = "5s"
# Name of the table to store metrics in.
table = "metrics"
# If true, and the metrics table does not exist, create it automatically.
table_create = true
# The character(s) to replace any '.' in an object key with
key_separator = "_"
Notice also that I’ve left table_create = true
, and this means that when I start up Telegraf, it will create the necessary table in CrateDB for me.
Running Telegraf is fairly simple with the terminal command
$ telegraf --config telegraf.conf
and a few stats will show on my terminal
By running Telegraf on the previous step, a new table called metrics was created on CrateDB. I can easily see this table by opening the CrateDB Admin UI on the localhost at http://localhost:4200/ and then heading to the doc schema ➞ metrics table
By clicking on QUERY TABLE and then SUBMIT QUERY, the table's rows will be displayed on the console:
However, this row visualization is not always ideal. Therefore, I’m using Grafana to visualize my CPU data.
Grafana is an open-source solution for performing data analysis, retrieving metrics that add value to the huge amount of data, and monitoring applications using customizable dashboards.
I followed the CrateDB with Grafana tutorial to learn about how to install Grafana and get the first connection to CrateDB.
Once the connection to CrateDB is established, I navigate to the + icon on the left side to create a new dashboard:
I click on the Add new panel option, which opens a new panel window:
First, I give a name to this panel by editing the Panel title on the upper right-hand side.
Grafana created a default query called A, which I find at the bottom of this page.
When I navigate to the Query inspector option, a new window pops up, and when I click on the Error tab I see that this default query does not match the data Grafana collected:
So I will edit the SQL Query to fit my data: I head back to the default query and select the Edit SQL option:
The current SQL query is displayed, and I replace it with a custom Query for the Grafana data:
date_trunc('minute', "timestamp") as "time",
avg(fields ['usage_user']) as "user"
What this query does:With the new query, I navigate to Query inspector again, and now it shows the results from the new query on the main graph.
Telegraf can collect data from machines, third-party APIs, sensor data, among other things. From there, you can collect, process, and aggregate this data before submitting it to CrateDB. When you combine Telegraf with CrateDB, a powerful distributed SQL database, you can store and analyze large amounts of this collected data in real-time. In addition, Grafana's high compatibility with CrateDB allows easy data visualization, leading to comprehensive insights.