
The organizations command allows you to create, modify and view organization resources.

Usage: croud organizations [-h]


The organizations auditlogs and organizations users subcommands are only available to organization admins and superusers.

organizations create

Usage: croud organizations create [-h] --name NAME [--plan-type {1,2,3,4,5,6}]
                                  [--region REGION]
                                  [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization name to use.

Optional Arguments


Possible choices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

The support plan to use for the organization. Argument is for superusers only.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations create --name my-org
| id                                   | name   |   planType |
| f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 | my-org |          3 |
==> Success: Organization created.

organizations list

Usage: croud organizations list [-h] [--region REGION]
                                [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}] [--sudo]

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations list
| id                                   | name   |   planType |
| f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 | my-org |          3 |

organizations edit

Usage: croud organizations edit [-h] [--name NAME] [--plan-type {1,2,3,4,5,6}]
                                [--org-id ORG_ID] [--region REGION]
                                [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}] [--sudo]

Optional Arguments


The new organization name to use.


Possible choices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

The new support plan to use for the organization.


The organization ID to use.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations edit --name new-name
| id                                   | name        |   plan_type |
| f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 | new-name    |           3 |
==> Success: Organization edited.

organizations delete

Usage: croud organizations delete [-h] [-y] [--org-id ORG_ID]
                                  [--region REGION]
                                  [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Optional Arguments

-y, --yes

Default: False


The organization ID to use.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations delete \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209
Are you sure you want to delete the organization? [yN] y
==> Success: Organization deleted.

organizations auditlogs

Usage: croud organizations auditlogs [-h] {list} ...

organizations auditlogs list

Usage: croud organizations auditlogs list [-h] [--action ACTION] [--from FROM]
                                          [--to TO] [--org-id ORG_ID]
                                          [--region REGION]
                                          [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Optional Arguments


The audit event action.


Only show events from this point in time.


Only show events older than this.


The organization ID to use.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations auditlogs list \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209
| action                 | actor                                | created                          |
| product.create_cluster | e4c6e51f-bd56-4d92-bdf8-9947531c3225 | 2019-11-05T12:35:23.168000+00:00 |
| project.add_user       | e4c6e51f-bd56-4d92-bdf8-9947531c3225 | 2019-11-05T12:22:31.796000+00:00 |
| project.create         | e4c6e51f-bd56-4d92-bdf8-9947531c3225 | 2019-11-05T12:22:31.196000+00:00 |
| organization.add_user  | e4c6e51f-bd56-4d92-bdf8-9947531c3225 | 2019-11-05T12:20:57.610000+00:00 |
| organization.create    | e4c6e51f-bd56-4d92-bdf8-9947531c3225 | 2019-11-05T12:20:57.598000+00:00 |


The full context for each auditlog event is available through the JSON output format:

sh$ croud organizations auditlogs list \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 \
    --output-fmt json

organizations users

Usage: croud organizations users [-h] {add,list,remove} ...

organizations users add

Usage: croud organizations users add [-h] --user USER --role ROLE
                                     [--org-id ORG_ID] [--region REGION]
                                     [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The user email address or ID to use.


The role FQN to use. Run croud users roles list for a list of available roles.

Optional Arguments


The organization ID to use.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations users add \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 \
    --role org_member \
| organization_id                      | role_fqn   | user_id                              |
| f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 | org_member | e4c6e51f-bd56-4d92-bdf8-9947531c3225 |
==> Success: User added to organization.

organizations users list

Usage: croud organizations users list [-h] [--org-id ORG_ID] [--region REGION]
                                      [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Optional Arguments


The organization ID to use.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations users list \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209
| email                | organization_roles | username | uid                                  |
| | org_admin          | john.doe | e4c6e51f-bd56-4d92-bdf8-9947531c3225 |

organizations users remove

Usage: croud organizations users remove [-h] --user USER [--org-id ORG_ID]
                                        [--region REGION]
                                        [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The user email address or ID to use.

Optional Arguments


The organization ID to use.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations users remove \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 \
==> Success: User removed from organization.

organizations files

Usage: croud organizations files [-h] {get,list,create,delete} ...

organizations files list

Usage: croud organizations files list [-h] --org-id ORG_ID [--region REGION]
                                      [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations files list \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209
| id                                   | name                | status   |
| 9b5d438f-036c-410f-b6f4-9adfb1feb252 | nyc_taxi            | UPLOADED |

organizations files delete

Usage: croud organizations files delete [-h] --org-id ORG_ID --file-id FILE_ID
                                        [--region REGION]
                                        [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.


The ID of the file.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations files delete \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 \
    --file-id 327ad0e6-607f-4f99-a4cc-c1e98bf28e4d
==> Success: File upload deleted.

organizations files get

Usage: croud organizations files get [-h] --org-id ORG_ID --file-id FILE_ID
                                     [--region REGION]
                                     [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.


The ID of the file.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations files get \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 \
    --file-id 327ad0e6-607f-4f99-a4cc-c1e98bf28e4d
| id                                   | name     | status   | file_size   | download_url                                                |
| 327ad0e6-607f-4f99-a4cc-c1e98bf28e4d | nyc_taxi | UPLOADED | 107.56 MiB  | |

organizations secrets

Usage: croud organizations secrets [-h] {list,create,delete} ...

organizations secrets list

Usage: croud organizations secrets list [-h] --org-id ORG_ID [--region REGION]
                                        [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations secrets list \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209
| id                                   | type   | name     | description      |
| e9068b31-14f5-4629-b585-70b3b8ae73bf | AWS    | mysecret | **********esskey |

organizations secrets delete

Usage: croud organizations secrets delete [-h] --org-id ORG_ID --secret-id
                                          SECRET_ID [--region REGION]
                                          [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.


The secret ID to use.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations secrets delete \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 \
    --secret-id e9068b31-14f5-4629-b585-70b3b8ae73bf
==> Success: Secret deleted.

organizations secrets create

Usage: croud organizations secrets create [-h] --org-id ORG_ID --name NAME
                                          --type {AWS,AZURE}
                                          [--access-key ACCESS_KEY]
                                          [--secret-key SECRET_KEY]
                                          [--connection-string CONNECTION_STRING]
                                          [--region REGION]
                                          [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.


The name the secret will be known as.


Possible choices: AWS, AZURE

The type of Secret. Either AWS or Azure.

Optional Arguments


For an AWS type secret, the access key ID.


For an AWS type secret, the secret key.


For an Azure type secret, the connection string or URL that grants access to a resource.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations secrests create \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 \
    --name mysecret \
    --type AWS \
    --access-key AKIAUVOXAVYAPIBHQK7I \
    --secret-key mysecretkey
| id                                   | type   | name     | description      |
| 71e7c5da-51fa-44f2-b178-d95052cbe620 | AWS    | mysecret | **********BHQK7I |
==> Success: Secret created.

organizations credits

Usage: croud organizations credits [-h] {list,create,edit,expire} ...

organizations credits list

Usage: croud organizations credits list [-h] --org-id ORG_ID [--status STATUS]
                                        [--region REGION]
                                        [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.

Optional Arguments


Filter credits by status, comma separated. Valid values are ACTIVE and EXPIRED. By default only ACTIVE credits are listed.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations credits list \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209
| id                                   | original_amount | remaining_amount | expiration_date     | comment    | status   |
| f8207787-8458-4cab-94c1-4ca84a702154 | $300.0          | $300.0           | 2023-12-24T12:34:56 | Free Trial | ACTIVE   |

organizations credits create

Usage: croud organizations credits create [-h] --org-id ORG_ID --amount AMOUNT
                                          --expiration-date EXPIRATION_DATE
                                          --comment COMMENT [--region REGION]
                                          [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.


The amount to be credited in USD.


The expiration date of the credit in ISO 8601 format (i.e. 2024-01-01T10:00:00Z).


The reason for creating this credit.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations credits create \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 \
    --amount 300 \
    --expiration-date 2023-12-24T12:34:56Z \
    --comment "Free Trial" \
| id                                   | original_amount | expiration_date     | comment    | status   |
| f8207787-8458-4cab-94c1-4ca84a702154 | $300.0          | 2023-12-24T12:34:56 | Free Trial | ACTIVE   |
==> Success: Credit created.


This command is only available for superusers.

organizations credits edit

Usage: croud organizations credits edit [-h] --org-id ORG_ID --credit-id
                                        CREDIT_ID [--amount AMOUNT]
                                        [--expiration-date EXPIRATION_DATE]
                                        [--comment COMMENT] [--region REGION]
                                        [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.


The credit ID to use.

Optional Arguments


The amount to be credited in USD. It can only be increased.


The expiration date of the credit in ISO 8601 format (i.e. 2024-01-01T10:00:00Z).


The reason for creating this credit.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations credits edit \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 \
    --credit-id f8207787-8458-4cab-94c1-4ca84a702154
    --amount 500
| id                                   | original_amount | expiration_date     | comment    | status   |
| f8207787-8458-4cab-94c1-4ca84a702154 | $500.0          | 2023-12-24T12:34:56 | Free Trial | ACTIVE   |
==> Success: Credit edited.


This command is only available for superusers.

organizations credits expire

Usage: croud organizations credits expire [-h] --org-id ORG_ID --credit-id
                                          CREDIT_ID [--region REGION]
                                          [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.


The credit ID to use.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations credits expire \
    --org-id f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 \
    --credit-id f8207787-8458-4cab-94c1-4ca84a702154
==> Success: Credit expired.


This command is only available for superusers.

organizations customer

Usage: croud organizations customer [-h] {get,edit} ...

organizations customer get

Usage: croud organizations customer get [-h] --org-id ORG_ID [--region REGION]
                                        [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations customer get \
    --org-id 89dfe980-ea1c-4108-9fa1-2161d2ac6785
| name    |        phone | email         | address                                                                                      | tax                  |
| Company | +33123456789 | | {"city": "Vienna", "country": "AT", "line1": "street", "line2": null, "postal_code": "1010"} | ATU12345678 (eu_vat) |

organizations customer edit

Usage: croud organizations customer edit [-h] --org-id ORG_ID --name NAME
                                         --email EMAIL --phone PHONE --country
                                         COUNTRY --city CITY --line1 LINE1
                                         [--line2 LINE2] --postal-code
                                         POSTAL_CODE [--tax-id TAX_ID]
                                         [--tax-id-type TAX_ID_TYPE]
                                         [--region REGION]
                                         [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The organization ID to use.


The organization name.


The customer’s email.


The customer’s phone number.


Billing address: country.


Billing address: city.


Billing address: line 1.


Billing address: postal code.

Optional Arguments


Billing address: line 2.


The customer’s tax ID.


The customer’s tax ID type, e.g. ‘vat_eu’.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud organizations customer edit \
    --org-id 89dfe980-ea1c-4108-9fa1-2161d2ac6785 \
    --name Company \
    --email \
    --phone +33123456789 \
    --country FR \
    --city Paris \
    --line1 street \
    --line2 street \
    --postal-code 75000 \
    --tax-id FRAB123456789 \
    --tax-id-type eu_vat
| name    |        phone | email         | address                                                                                          | tax                    |
| Company | +33123456789 | | {"city": "Paris", "country": "FR", "line1": "street", "line2": "street", "postal_code": "75000"} | FRAB123456789 (eu_vat) |
==> Success: Organization's customer info edited.