The Guide for Time Series Data Projects is out.

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Watch this webinar to learn why CrateDB is a perfect [Rockset] replacement for real-time analytics and hybrid search.
Watch how TGW, a global leader in logistics automation, digitally transformed warehouse operations using Azure.
Watch this recorded webinar where we explore the dynamic field of Artificial Intelligence. Discover how you can leverage CrateDB as a vector store using native SQL, to create a knowledge assistant powered by Generative AI.
In this recorded webinar, you will dive into the dynamic world of time series data and discover how to solve most problems faced when analyzing time series data.
Discover and learn more about CrateDB, the hyper-fast distributed database for all types of data, combining the simplicity of SQL and scalability of NoSQL.
CrateDB Workshop is a hands-on learning experience that introduces the fundamental concepts of CrateDB, a distributed SQL database. This workshop is designed for everyone interested in learning about CrateDB features and how it can be used to store, query and analyze large amounts of data.
This demo offers a step-by-step guide on leveraging Debezium and Kafka to replicate data from different databases into CrateDB.
In this interactive live demo, learn, step-by-step, how to use Prometheus and Grafana with CrateDB Cloud.
In this live demo, our speakers show how easy it is to import data to CrateDB Cloud, connect to a third-party tool and visualize the data for whatever purpose.
To develop a real-time monitoring solution, O-CELL needed a scalable and fault tolerant database with a flexible data schema storage upgrades and ease of use for deploying additional resources. Being their database since an early stage, CrateDB has adapted to O-CELL business needs, offering scalability, reliability and speed, essential for real-time monitoring.
Time-series data and analysis can help businesses understand patterns, trends, and causes over time. This is crucial for business success. In this webinar,’s Solution Engineering team will guide you through the implementation steps of a time-series use case - from table layout to querying.
SPGo! By PETROMIN, has developed a system that allows monitoring mining material conveyor belts with more than 40,000 sensors in real-time and 760 million records per day.
The full recording of our very first CrateDB Community Day
In this joint webinar with Bitmovin our speakers will share Bitmovin’s experience, challenges, and why they chose CrateDB as the best solution for their business.
In this joint German webinar with TGW Logistics, Alexander Mann explains why they chose CrateDB after trying multiple database systems.
After trying multiple database systems, TGW Logistics moved to CrateDB for its ability to aggregate different data formats and ability to query this information without much hassle.
In this webinar, we had a hands-on look at how to leverage the CrateDB 4.8 enhancements when importing data and using Logical Replication to move data between CrateDB clusters to make it available where it is needed.
Learn how Gantner relied on CrateDB to analyze the large amount of data generated by the project in real-time and to improve the processes through machine learning.
In this webinar, we will discuss how to use different visualization options in Superset coupled with a SQL interface to derive interesting insights and findings from the time-series dataset.
In this joint German webinar with Microsoft, we share the use case of a leading CPG manufacturer and how they reduced their costs with CrateDB and Azure.
First-hand insights from Thomas Concrete Group about the advantages of working with CrateDB for different use cases with real-time IoT data.
Learn why it’s important to be an early adopter of industrial loT practices and how projects can successfully be monitored, measured and optimized using the right database.
The IIoT can cause a new manufacturing revolution... But in order to succeed, it requires the right tools.
Best practices for working with time-series data fast, with horizontal scalability, and with SQL.
White Paper
Part 3 of the Guide for Time Series Data Projects goes through time series data visualization and advanced analysis through machine learning.
White Paper
This part examines how CrateDB's unique indexing and storage features enhance data retrieval and analysis.
White Paper
This white paper explores how CrateDB provides a scalable platform to build Generative AI applications that cover the requirements of modern applications, such as AI-driven knowledge assistants.
White Paper
Discover how CrateDB enables real-time AI solutions by unifying data, offering high performance, scalability, and flexibility. Harness the power of AI for instant decision-making.
White Paper
This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to get started with a time series data project.
White Paper
In this white paper, we explore the challenges that arise when using multiple technologies to handle different data types and how CrateDB can consolidate and streamline these processes.
White Paper
This white paper contains 8 essential things you need to know about time-series databases. 
This infographic shows you what to look for when choosing a vector database, and more.
White Paper
This comprehensive guide covers all key concepts you need to know about CrateDB's architecture. This will help you better understand what makes it so performant, scalable, flexible and easy to use. You will then be able to make the best decision on when to use CrateDB for your data projects.
To help you make the right decision, here’s six things to consider when choosing a database for your next data project.
In this e-book, we will explore the key benefits of real-time monitoring, the critical infrastructure components required to implement it effectively, and why CrateDB is the database of choice for real-time monitoring projects.
White Paper
In this whitepaper, we will explore how you can get the most out of your time series data showing you some real-life example.
White Paper
In this whitepaper, we will explore three real-life use cases demonstrating the power of IoT technology based on CrateDB.
White Paper
TGW simplifies aggregating massive volumes of diverse data with CrateDB, gaining valuable insights to improve customer experience and competitive advantage
White Paper
This white paper gives recommendations that empower companies to harness the full power of data.
White Paper
Ride the new wave of the data-driven organization and learn best practices from a global survey of 434 participants in this study by independent analyst firm BARC.
White Paper
Learn how ALPLA makes data-driven decisions; monitors operations remotely in real-time and how their efficiency improved, and costs are reduced.
White Paper
While IIoT adoption does require a new approach to managing and analyzing data collected in real-time, this isn’t as difficult as many manufacturers believe.
White Paper
In order for IIoT projects to succeed, it is crucial to use technologies that have been specifically optimized for this use case. The IIoT implies considerable complexities and particularities in terms of data, and it is unlikely that a database not specialized in IIoT will provide all the necessary requirements.
White Paper
Learn how to build IoT applications using an open-source stack: Apache Kafka, Apache Flink and CrateDB.
White Paper
Interested in industrial time-series? This white paper answers all your questions, diving deep into the topic.
White Paper
When evaluating the database costs for industrial IoT projects, there's much to consider. Find out how much the monthly price can vary if different databases are used.
White Paper
Many IIoT projects fail... But for some manufacturers, Industry 4.0 is already a reality. What is the key to making it work? Read about it in this white paper.
Content Kit
Using MongoDB for large-scale IoT projects is like using a Swiss Army Knife to change a flat tire: not a good fit. These resources will help you understand why this is the case.
White Paper
A guide presenting how to move your data from MySQL to CrateDB in just a few steps.
In this talk in Spanish we will dive into why searching information is hard, have a quick overview on different simple solutions and also more interesting and powerful solutions like fulltext search, vector search. We will then apply what we learned to create a Hybrid Search solution.
This video shows step by step how to build an AI-powered chatbot using LangChain to connect to the different LLMs and CrateDB to store embeddings and run similarity searches against them.
How TGW Revolutionizes Warehouse Operations with CrateDB's Combination of Time Series, Documents, and Vectors
In this video, we explore the integration of CrateDB and PyCaret to detect anomalies in machine data, crucial for identifying potential failures or inefficiencies in technological systems.
In this video you will see how time series data can be combined with any other data type thanks to the multimodal approach of CrateDB.
This introduction video gives you a quick overview what CrateDB is.
This tutorial shows how sharding and partitioning in CrateDB enhance time series data storage and improve performance.
This tutorial shows that CrateDB supports not just time series, but JSON, Geospatial, Vectors, and Full-Text Search, and how to query different data types.
This tutorial explores the real-life challenges of time series data such as volume, velocity, variety, and veracity, and discusses CrateDB's effective solutions.
This tutorial explores how CrateDB manages time series by querying data in milliseconds, utilizing simple SQL, combining various data types, handling high ingest rates, and storing extensive historical data.
This tutorial delves into time series data's characteristics and how CrateDB facilitates real-time complex queries crucial for analyzing such data.
This talk focuses on the synergistic combination of CrateDB and LangChain: it helps to get started with using private data as context for large language models through LangChain, incorporating the concept of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).
Alexey Grigorev from Data Talks Club talks to CrateDB's Solution Engineer Karyn Azevedo about the capabilities and features of CrateDB including a live demo.
This keynote explores how a modern multi-model database approach tackles the business challenges like diverse data types and volumes by converging operational and analytical data, providing business context, and enabling real-time AI insights.
In this presentation, we demonstrate how TGW leverages CrateDB to build digital twins of physical warehouses around the world.
In this first module, Marija Selakovic, Developer Advocate at CrateDB​, will introduce you to CrateDB architecture and its SQL and NoSQL capabilities.
In this second module, Niklas Schmidtmer, Lead Solution Engineer at CrateDB​, will show you how to install and configure CrateDB to get started.
In this third module, Hernán Lionel Cianfagna, Senior Solutions Engineer at CrateDB​, will show you how to insert and query data in CrateDB.
In this fourth module, Karyn Azevedo, Solution Engineer at CrateDB​, will show you how to model data in CrateDB.
In this fifth module, Marios Trivyzas, Senior Software Engineer at CrateDB​, will show you how to further optimize your queries.
Achieving optimal execution plans in distributed databases is a challenging task. This talk is focusing on CrateDB: a distributed SQL database, and key strategies for optimizing its query performance.
In this talk, Marko Sommarberg, Lead Digital Strategy and Business Development at ABB, and Christian Lutz, Co-Founder at CrateDB explain how ABB Ability™ Genix applies AI and analytics to unlock the value of industrial data using CrateDB.
A practical guide to building a real-time analytics pipeline with CrateDB and Apache Kafka
Ingesting and querying JSON documents with SQL in CrateDB
This is the full recording of the second CrateDB Community Day. An event where developers from all over the world connect, share knowledge in short (but fun) talks.
Marija Selakovic and Marios Trivyzas explain CrateDB in detail as part of the Carnegie Mellon University database seminar series 2022.
In this video, we show you how to update stock market data automatically with CrateDB and Airflow.
Georg Traar, Head of Customer Engineering at, participated in the panel discussion "Data & Connectivity: how safe is industrial data?"
In this talk, we discuss how different data properties affect solutions for data storage, data retention, and data integration.
Discover how to monitor your cluster to avoid unpleasant surprises, as Marios shares his best practices to keep your cluster healthy at all times!
Romanas demonstrates how to start and scale the new cluster, how to implement logical replication, run data ingestion, and understand the real costs behind CrateDB Cloud.
Learn how to get started using Apache Airflow and CrateDB in this introductory talk by Tamara Fingerlin, Developer Advocate at Astronomer.
In this talk, Daniel explains how Bitmovin uses CrateDB to monitor the most significant live video events and especially which features they are using to address their monitoring and scalability challenges.
In this talk, Candelario A. Gutierrez from the University of Alberta talks about how we leverage CrateDB into their platform for analyzing social-platform data.
Christian Lutz, founder of, is talking about our journey with CrateDB.
The full recording of our very first CrateDB Community Day
In our Getting Started with CrateDB tutorial we will show you how to run CrateDB on-premises and how to easily interact with it
Learn how to use Metabase together with CrateDB Cloud
This talk will illustrate how easy it is to automate orchestration workflows with Apache Airflow and CrateDB.
In this video, we explain how to build your own User-Defined Function step-by-step.
In this video, you will learn the basics of CrateDB Objects.
This tutorial presents the basics of COPY FROM and COPY TO in CrateDB.
This video explains why you would use CrateDB for metric storage and shows you how to start Prometheus, CrateDB, and CrateDB Prometheus Adapter with docker-compose.
In this interview, Arno Breuss, CIO of Rauch Fruchtsäfte, talks about how Rauch is filling 33 cans per second and how that adds up to 400 data records per second which are being processed, stored, and analyzed.
In this interview, Jürgen Sutterlüti, VP of Gantner Instruments, explains how big the data sets of their customers are and why they need to be accessible in real-time while also being stored for decades.
Marija Selakovic, Developer Advocate at, held a talk at WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2022 in Berlin with the title "CrateDB: A Database or a Search Engine? Both!"
Alexander Mann, Digital Corre, of TGW Logistics, talks in this interview about advanced analytics for automated warehouses TGW is operating across the globe for customers like Amazon, Coop, and Zalando.
The key to the successful operation of warehouses lies in having a holistic view on the entire system based on data from various components. This talk from Alexander Mann, Digital Core TGW Logistics, is about how this data can be retrieved, transformed, and stored in a central place and how to link it with the static site topology so that useful information can be provided.
This talk shows the data utilization efforts in the Rhomberg group: how they try to make their company more data-driven and build intelligent systems to support the core business.​
In over 60 personal interviews covering more than 20 large industrial companies in Switzerland, Austria and Germany, Zühlke took a deep dive into these questions and found a surprisingly consistent picture of blockers and success factors. Andreas Pfleger, Business Development Manager at Zühlke, presents the results.
In this talk, Simon Mayer, Professor of University of St. Gallen, gives an overview of two current research projects that are being conducted at the Institute of Computer Science of the University of St. Gallen.
For data-intensive applications, the database and cloud (or on-prem) resources are the critical components - and performance and cost are the key SLAs. In this talk Daniel Seybold, CTO benchANT, shares his experience and shows how this process can be simplified and made more efficient through cloud database benchmarking.
In this talk, Franziskos, CEO 7lytix, shows various examples of where demand forecasting and planning are important in industries such as retail and supply chain, how to do it properly and how the value of machine learning shows when it comes to predictive accuracy.​
Across almost all industries, the growing number of IoT devices, increasing interoperability between systems and data transfer across companies continuously attracts more and more attackers to not only steal or encrypt data but also actively tamper it. In this talk Thomas Plank, CEO Tributech, talks about data notarization to establish credible trust when it comes to data.
Video brought together regional thought leaders, customers, and partners to equip the attendees in the Dornbirn offices with the technical know-how, practical advice, and expert insights on connecting data insights to business outcomes.
Marija Selakovic, Marija Selakovic, Developer Advocate at, explains at FOSDEM'22 how we made distributed Joins 23 thousand times faster.
The challenges of digital disruption and transformation form the basis of this podcast. Scott Taylor, Principal Consultant at MetaMeta Consulting, speaks with Christian Lutz, Founder, President at, and Bernhard Zimmermann, Director Business Development and Partner at Zühlke.
Eva Schönleitner, CEO, and Bas Boorsma, Chief Digital Officer City of Rotterdam, talk at the Sensors & IoT Conf 2021 about the challenges with data in smart buildings and what are the technologies necessary to fuel opportunities. See how CrateDB streamlines information and tailors data access to deliver real-time information when it's needed.
Ash Fontana, author of The AI-First Company: How to Compete and Win with Artificial Intelligence, talks to Christian Lutz, Founder and President of about how to transform a company into an AI-first company.
Video's CEO Eva Schönleitner, President Christian Lutz, and CTO Bernd Dorn are talking about why open sources the entire codebase of CrateDB with version 4.5.
Dr. Federico M. Facca talks about using CrateDB in an open-source project "CrateDB in the Wild with Quantum Leap"
During the Open Source Release Event of CrateDB v4.5 we hosted a panel discussion and discussed "What it means to align with open source values"
In this webinar we build an automation workflow for industry 4.0 using n8n and CrateDB.
Johannes Moser presents what CrateDB can do, showing it live in a demo
Christian Lutz chats with Maggie Miller during the IoT World conference in Santa Clara, California
Sheriff Mohamed and Marcus Briggs, engineers at GolfNow, talk about CrateDB and their experience with it
This talk will teach you how to receive and make sense of messages from aircraft in real time using an ADS-B receiver / software defined radio. You'll see how to decode the messages, store them in a CrateDB database, and make sense of them.