Time Series Data
Time series data querying with SQL
Hyper-fast. Results in milliseconds.
/* Based on device data, this query returns the average
* of the battery level for every hour for each device_id
WITH avg_metrics AS (
SELECT device_id,
DATE_BIN('1 hour'::INTERVAL, time, 0) AS period,
AVG(battery_level) AS avg_battery_level
FROM devices.readings
SELECT period,
FROM avg_metrics t, devices.info i
WHERE t.device_id = i.device_id
AND model = 'mustang'
| period | device_id | manufacturer | avg_battery_level |
| 1480802400000 | demo000001 | iobeam | 49.25757575757576 |
| 1480806000000 | demo000001 | iobeam | 47.375 |
| 1480802400000 | demo000007 | iobeam | 25.53030303030303 |
| 1480806000000 | demo000007 | iobeam | 58.5 |
| 1480802400000 | demo000010 | iobeam | 34.90909090909091 |
| 1480806000000 | demo000010 | iobeam | 32.4 |
| 1480802400000 | demo000016 | iobeam | 36.06060606060606 |
| 1480806000000 | demo000016 | iobeam | 35.45 |
| 1480802400000 | demo000025 | iobeam | 12 |
| 1480806000000 | demo000025 | iobeam | 16.475 |
/* To identify gaps on the readings, the following queries generates a series
* and by joining it with the original data, you can spot any gap */
with avg_battery AS (
SELECT battery_level, time
FROM devices.readings
WHERE device_id = 'demo000007'
AND time > 1480118400000
AND time < 1480301200000
all_hours AS (
SELECT generate_series(1480118430000,1480301200000,'30 second'::interval) AS generated_hours
SELECT time, generated_hours, battery_level
FROM all_hours
LEFT JOIN avg_battery ON generated_hours = time
| time | hours | battery_level |
| 1480118430000 | 1480118430000 | 67 |
| 1480118460000 | 1480118460000 | 66 |
| 1480118490000 | 1480118490000 | 66 |
| 1480118520000 | 1480118520000 | 66 |
| 1480118550000 | 1480118550000 | 66 |
| 1480118580000 | 1480118580000 | 66 |
| 1480118610000 | 1480118610000 | 65 |
| 1480118640000 | 1480118640000 | NULL |
| 1480118670000 | 1480118670000 | 65 |
| 1480118700000 | 1480118700000 | 65 |
| 1480118730000 | 1480118730000 | 65 |
| 1480118760000 | 1480118760000 | 65 |
| 1480118790000 | 1480118790000 | 65 |
| 1480118820000 | 1480118820000 | 65 |
| 1480118850000 | 1480118850000 | 65 |
| 1480118880000 | 1480118880000 | 65 |
| 1480118910000 | 1480118910000 | 65 |
| 1480118940000 | 1480118940000 | 65 |
| 1480118970000 | 1480118970000 | NULL |
| 1480119000000 | 1480119000000 | NULL |
/* Based on device data, this query returns the number of battery charges
* per day for a given device_id */
WITH aux_charging AS (
SELECT time,
DATE_BIN('P1D'::INTERVAL,time,0) AS day,
LAG(battery_status) OVER (PARTITION BY device_id ORDER BY time) AS prev_battery_status
FROM devices.readings
WHERE device_id = 'demo000001'
count_start_charging AS (
SELECT day, (case when battery_status <> prev_battery_status then 1 else 0 end) AS start_charging
FROM aux_charging
SELECT day, sum(start_charging) as charges_number
FROM count_start_charging
| count_charges | day |
| 2 | 1479168000000 |
| 4 | 1479254400000 |
| 2 | 1479340800000 |
| 10 | 1479427200000 |
| 7 | 1479600000000 |
| 8 | 1479686400000 |
| 6 | 1479772800000 |
| 11 | 1479859200000 |
| 5 | 1480032000000 |
| 7 | 1480118400000 |
| 6 | 1480204800000 |
| 10 | 1480291200000 |
| 3 | 1480464000000 |
| 3 | 1480550400000 |
| 7 | 1480636800000 |
| 2 | 1480723200000 |
/* Based on device data, this query returns the average of the battery temperature
* for each OS version */
SELECT device_info['os_name'], avg(battery_temperature)
FROM "devices"."readings"
LIMIT 100;
| os_name | avg(battery_temperature) |
| 4.4.4 | 90.85937893039049 |
| 5.1.0 | 90.86754559738132 |
| 6.0.1 | 90.84230101265824 |
| 5.0.0 | 90.8574802739726 |
Columnar storage
High cardinality
CrateDB offers robust support for time partitioning. It enables data to be stored long-term without any need for aggregation or down-sampling. This is crucial because the original, un-aggregated data often contains granular details that may be lost during aggregation. By preserving this level of detail, you get enhanced flexibility to revisit historical data for new insights, or conduct precise forecasting, which is crucial to strategic decision-making processes.
With CrateDB, you can also move your old partitions to slow but cheap spinning disks, while keeping the most recent data on fast SSDs, all while retaining fast query speed for most recent data, and not loosing any details in older data.
Time series functionality
CrateDB includes built-in time-series functionality, such as window functions and time-based indexes. These features make it easier to query and analyze the data, and can improve query performance.
functions, withIGNORE NULLS
option, to fill and extrapolate missing data.DATE_BIN
function to resample the data and use the same intervals on the time axis.WINDOW
operator to easily combine time series data in one table and corresponding metadata in another table. This avoids pushing too much data in your application.
Much more than a time series database
CrateDB offers a much broader scope; it is built for multiple types of data and you can combine them all into the same database: time series, JSON, vector, full-text, geospatial, BLOB and relational. This way, you can easily cover most of your needs, without investing in some new costly technology that needs complex maintenance and data synchronization.
SQL interface
CrateDB integrates seamlessly with popular modern data visualization tools like Grafana, or libraries like Matplotlib. It also offers compatibility with the Java- and Python-based data ecosystem and corresponding libraries and frameworks such as pandas, Dask, or Spark, to facilitate efficient analysis and visualization of time series data.
Distributed architecture
CrateDB is a distributed database that can scale horizontally across multiple nodes. This makes it an ideal fit for time series workloads, which often involve handling large volumes of data from multiple different sources (sensors, IoT gateways, CRM, ERP...) that need to be ingested, enriched and processed on the fly to serve many simultaneous data consumers in real-time.
Open source
Time Series Video Tutorials
Tutorial #1
Tutorial #2
Time series data in CrateDB
In this video, we explore how to query time series data with CrateDB and get results on large datasets in milliseconds, how to leverage the simplicity of SQL, combine multiple data types, handle high ingest rates, and store years of historical data.
Tutorial #3
Real-life challenges with time series
In this video, we explore the real-life challenges of time series data: volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. We also discuss how CrateDB effectively addresses these challenges with the proper data architecture.
Tutorial #4
Time series data modeling
In this video, we talk about time series data modeling. We see that CrateDB is not just a time series database, it also supports JSON, relational, geospatial, vector, and full-text data. Then, we showcase the use of standard SQL and how to query different data types.
Tutorial #5
Sharding and partitioning for time series
Advanced Time Series Course and Certification
The free CrateDB Advanced Time Series course will teach you all you need to know about using CrateDB for time series data. Once you’ve completed this course you’ll be ready to get your certificate and tackle your first time series project with CrateDB.
Guide for Time Series Data Projects
This comprehensive guide covers the different key aspects of time series data projects. It is divided in 3 distinct white papers. Part 1: data modeling, storage, lifecycle; Part 2: ingestion, indexing, analysis, and optimization; Part 3: visualization, and advanced analysis through machine learning.
Demo: Querying Heterogeneous Time-Series Data with SQL
In this video, discover how to effortlessly create a table and seamlessly import weather data into CrateDB. Witness the power of CrateDB's time-series query capabilities in action with the weather dataset, showcasing the dynamic schema flexibility. Dive deeper into CrateDB's multi-modal features with demonstrations on handling JSON, geospatial data, and conducting full-text searches.
Top 8 Most Asked Questions
Discover some of the common questions around time-series databases, including their advantages over traditional databases, best practices for managing them, and the industries that can benefit the most from their adoption. This white paper contains 8 essential things you need to know about time-series databases.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Time Series Data
Additional time series topics
Documentation and tutorials
Successful companies using CrateDB as a modern time series database
Time-series data is a sequence of data points organized chronologically, illustrating how variables change over time. This format is characterized by patterns such as trends, seasonal variations, and irregularities. Effective time-series data management can significantly enhance query performance and data analysis. CrateDB supports time-series data with built-in functionalities like window functions and time-based indexes, making it easier to analyze and query the data efficiently.
Examples of time series data include temperature readings, stock prices, population growth, monthly subscriptions, quarterly sales, and interest rates. CrateDB supports time series data and offers a comprehensive solution by allowing the integration of multiple data types such as JSON, vector, full-text, geospatial, BLOB, and relational data, minimizing the need for additional technologies and complex maintenance.
Efficient storage of time series data is essential, considering factors like data volume, speed, query requirements, and scalability. The primary storage solutions include time-series databases, NoSQL databases, relational databases, and data warehouses, each offering unique strengths and limitations. CrateDB is designed to handle complex time series data with the simplicity of SQL, allowing for high ingest rates and integration of various data types, making it an ideal choice for storing and querying extensive time series data efficiently. Read more about time series data storage >
When choosing a time-series database, consider factors such as performance, scalability, query language capabilities, data model flexibility, security, maintainability, and reliability. Examples of time-series databases include CrateDB, InfluxDB, KX, and Timescale. CrateDB stands out as a distributed database that can scale horizontally across multiple nodes, making it especially suited for handling large volumes of time-series data from diverse sources in real-time. Learn how to choose the best database for time series data >
Want to know more?
101 for Time-Series databases
- What is a time series database?
- Key criteria for selecting a time series database.