The scheduled-jobs
command lets you manage scheduled sql jobs for your cluster.
Scheduled sql jobs are an easy way to setup sql statements that need to be run in a certain interval to manage your clusters data.
Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs [-h] {create,list,logs,delete,edit} ...
clusters scheduled-jobs create
Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs create [-h] --name NAME --cluster-id
CLUSTER_ID --cron CRON --sql SQL
--enabled ENABLED
[--region REGION]
[--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]
Required Arguments¶
- --name
Name of the sql job.
- --cluster-id
Cluster where the job should be run.
- --cron
Cron schedule of the sql job.
- --sql
The sql statement the job should run.
- --enabled
Enable or disable the job.
Optional Arguments¶
- --region, -r
Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.
- --output-fmt, --format, -o
Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml
Change the formatting of the output.
- --sudo
Run the given command as superuser.
sh$ croud clusters scheduled-jobs create \
--name test-job \
--cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 \
--cron "1 1 * * *" \
--sql "DELETE * FROM TABLE test" \
--enabled True
| name | id | cron | sql | enabled |
| test-job | 0EW7SX3ND87DY | 1 1 * * * | DELETE FROM test | TRUE |
clusters scheduled-jobs list
Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs list [-h] --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID
[--region REGION]
[--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]
Required Arguments¶
- --cluster-id
The cluster of which jobs should be listed.
Optional Arguments¶
- --region, -r
Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.
- --output-fmt, --format, -o
Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml
Change the formatting of the output.
- --sudo
Run the given command as superuser.
sh$ croud clusters scheduled-jobs list \
--cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1
| name | id | cron | sql | enabled | next_run_time |
| test-job | 0EW7SX3ND87DY | 1 1 * * * | DELETE FROM test | TRUE | 2024-01-20T01:01:00+00:00 |
clusters scheduled-jobs logs
Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs logs [-h] --job-id JOB_ID --cluster-id
[--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]
Required Arguments¶
- --job-id
The job id of the job log to be listed.
- --cluster-id
The cluster of which the job log should be listed.
Optional Arguments¶
- --region, -r
Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.
- --output-fmt, --format, -o
Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml
Change the formatting of the output.
- --sudo
Run the given command as superuser.
sh$ croud clusters scheduled-jobs logs \
--job-id 0EW7SX3ND87DY \
--cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1
| job_id | start | end | error | statements |
| 0EW7SX3ND87DY | 2024-01-20T08:52:00.008000 | 2024-01-29T08:52:00.014000 | NULL | {"0": {"duration": 0.0021747201681137085, "sql": "DELETE FROM test"}} |
clusters scheduled-jobs edit
Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs edit [-h] --job-id JOB_ID --cluster-id
CLUSTER_ID --name NAME --sql SQL
--cron CRON --enabled ENABLED
[--region REGION]
[--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]
Required Arguments¶
- --job-id
The id of the job to edit.
- --cluster-id
The cluster id where the job was created.
- --name
The name of the sql job.
- --sql
The sql statement of the sql job.
- --cron
Cron schedule of the sql job.
- --enabled
Enable or disable the sql job.
Optional Arguments¶
- --region, -r
Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.
- --output-fmt, --format, -o
Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml
Change the formatting of the output.
- --sudo
Run the given command as superuser.
sh$ croud clusters scheduled-jobs edit \
--job-id 0EW7SX3ND87DY \
--cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 \
--name test-job-1 \
--cron "3 2 * * *" \
--sql "SELECT 1;" \
--enabled False
| name | id | sql | cron | enabled |
| test-job-1 | 0EW7SX3ND87DY | SELECT 1; | 3 2 * * * | FALSE |
clusters scheduled-jobs delete
Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs delete [-h] --job-id JOB_ID --cluster-id
[--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]
Required Arguments¶
- --job-id
The job id of the job to be deleted.
- --cluster-id
The cluster of which the job should be deleted.
Optional Arguments¶
- --region, -r
Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.
- --output-fmt, --format, -o
Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml
Change the formatting of the output.
- --sudo
Run the given command as superuser.
sh$ croud clusters scheduled-jobs delete \
--job-id 0EW7SX3ND87DY
--cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1
==> Success: Scheduled job deleted.