Select Performance

Aggregations and GROUP BY

It is common to do GROUP BY queries for analytics purposes. For example, you might select the avg, max, and min of some measurements over a billion records and group them by device ID.

If you’re running this query over a billion records and grouping by device ID, you might have something like this:

   1 DESC;

| device_id | max(value) |        avg(value) | min(value) |
|         4 |      10000 | 5003.748816285036 |          0 |
|         3 |      10000 | 5005.297395430482 |          0 |
|         2 |      10000 | 5002.940588080021 |          0 |
|         1 |      10000 | 5002.216030711031 |          0 |

By default, CrateDB processes all matching records. This may require a lot of processing power, depending on the data set and the size of the CrateDB cluster.

Some databases can limit the amount of records that are processed for GROUP BY operations (also known as down-sampling) to improve performance at the cost of less accurate results.

This exploits the fact that if your data set has a normal distribution, it is likely that the average over the whole data set is not much different from the average over a subset of the data.

Aggregating 100,000 records instead of 10 or 100 million records can make a huge difference in query response times.

For some analytics use-cases, this is an acceptable trade-off.

CrateDB users can emulate this down-sampling behaviour with a combination of LIMITs and sub-selects. However, doing so involves costly data merges in the query execution plan that reduce the parallelization (and thus performance) of a distributed query.

A better way to emulate down-sampling is to filter on the _docid system column using a modulo (%) operation, like this:

   _docid % 10 = 0
   1 DESC;

| device_id | max(value) |         avg(value) | min(value) |
|         4 |      10000 | 5013.052623224065  |          1 |
|         3 |      10000 | 4999.1253575025175 |          0 |
|         2 |      10000 | 5001.400379047543  |          0 |
|         1 |      10000 | 5035.220951927276  |          0 |

You’ll notice that the result has changed slightly, but is still fairly close to the original result.


The % 10 in this example was arbitrary and roughly translates to: “only consider every 10th row.”

The higher the number, the fewer records will match the query and the less accurate the result will be. Larger numbers trade accuracy for performance.


The _docid system column exposes the internal document ID each document has within a Lucene segment. The IDs are unique within a segment but not across segments or shards. This is good enough for a modulo sampling operation.

Furthermore, the internal ID is already available and doesn’t have to be read from the file system. This makes it an ideal candidate for modulo based sampling.

Downsampling with DATE_BIN

For improved downsampling using time-bucketing and resampling, the article resampling time series data with DATE_BIN shares patterns how to group records into time buckets and resample the values.

This technique will improve query performance by reducing the amount of data needed to be transferred, by decreasing its granularity on the time dimension. Most often, this is applied when querying live system metrics data using visualization or dashboarding tools like Grafana and friends.

SELECT ts_bin,
  SELECT DATE_BIN('5 minutes'::INTERVAL, "time", 0) AS ts_bin,
         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY DATE_BIN('5 minutes'::INTERVAL, "time", 0) ORDER BY "time" DESC) AS "row_number"
  FROM doc.sensor_readings
) x
WHERE "row_number" = 1

Downsampling with LTTB

Largest Triangle Three Buckets is a downsampling method that tries to retain visual similarity between the downsampled data and the original dataset using considerably fewer data points.

The article about advanced downsampling with the LTTB algorithm explains how to use LTTB with CrateDB. This technique is mostly used for the same purposes like other downsampling procedures, where, in this case, retaining essential details is important for proper visual graph analysis.

WITH downsampleddata AS
  (SELECT lttb_with_parallel_arrays(
  array(SELECT n FROM demo ORDER BY n),
  array(SELECT reading FROM demo ORDER BY n), 100) AS lttb)
SELECT unnest(lttb['0']) AS n,
       unnest(lttb['1']) AS reading
FROM downsampleddata;

Rewrite JOINs as CTEs

The article about using common table expressions to speed up queries shares a pattern you can use to replace JOINs with CTEs in your SQL queries, in order to achieve consistent and faster execution times. Please note that what CTEs to use depends on the profile of your data.


-- Uses JOINs

SELECT SUM(quantity)
FROM invoices
JOIN invoice_items USING (invoice_number)
JOIN products USING (product_id)
WHERE product_description = 'super cool product'
AND invoices.issue_date BETWEEN '2024-01-01' AND '2024-02-01';
-- Uses CTEs

WITH relevant_product_ids AS (
    SELECT product_id
    FROM products
    WHERE product_description = 'super cool product'
relevant_invoice_lines AS (
    SELECT invoice_number, quantity
    FROM invoice_items
    WHERE invoice_items.product_id IN (SELECT relevant_product_ids.product_id FROM relevant_product_ids)
relevant_invoices AS (
    SELECT invoice_number, issue_date
    FROM invoices
    WHERE invoices.invoice_number IN (SELECT relevant_invoice_lines.invoice_number FROM relevant_invoice_lines)

SELECT SUM(quantity)
FROM relevant_invoices
JOIN relevant_invoice_lines USING (invoice_number)
WHERE relevant_invoices.issue_date BETWEEN '2024-01-01' AND '2024-02-01';

Retrieve individual records in bulk

The article about retrieving records in bulk with a list of primary key values shares a pattern you can use to retrieve a large number of individual records by primary key, in order to achieve faster execution times.

Based on a very large table with a primary key made of multiple fields, and given tens of thousands of values for these fields, we needed to retrieve all specific records constrained by a composite primary key (machine_id, sensor_type) in bulk.

When using a classic SQL statement, the WHERE clause easily gets too large to be processed well, resulting in errors like statement is too large (stack overflow while parsing) or just StackOverflowError[null].

By taking advantage of a system column called _id, which exists on all CrateDB tables, containing a compound string representation of all primary key values of that record, and defining a staging table with primary key columns of the same representation like the original table, you can use a sub-select to retrieve multiple individual records from a large table efficiently.

FROM sensor_data
WHERE _id IN (SELECT _id FROM relevant_pk_values);

The _id column contains a unique identifier for each record. The useful characteristic here is that the value is deterministic: Two individual records in different tables, with the same PK definition, and the same PK values, will also have identical _id values.