Deploy cluster with Croud

This tutorial will outline a step-by-step guide to deploying a cluster using the Cloud CLI application from scratch. The walkthrough assumes you have completed the signup process successfully, and that the croud program is installed on your system.

Croud Reference Documentation

Visit full reference documentation to learn more about Croud.

Currently, it is not possible to create new subscriptions using Croud, so you will need to use the CrateDB Cloud Console UI.

The payment processing and billing is powered by Stripe. It is also possible to subscribe using Azure and AWS.


Because of the current implementation of subscriptions, it is NOT recommended to deploy your first cluster with Croud. You need to have an existing subscription to deploy a cluster using Croud. To create a subscription, use UI.

Deploy a CrateDB cluster using the CrateDB Cloud Web Console.

Log in

When working with Croud, the first step is always logging into your account.

Croud, being a CLI application, is operated using commands. Commands should be issued using the following format:

sh$ croud [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]

To log in execute this command:

sh$ croud login

This will open a browser window where you will be prompted for your credentials. You can also log in using azuread, github, or google using the --idp argument. See full Authentication documentation for details.

Croud login

After successfully logging in, you will see this prompt in your browser:

You have successfully logged into CrateDB Cloud!
This window can be closed.

Create organization

The first step of deployment is creating an organization which will contain your cluster. If you’ve registered recently, or didn’t delete the organization that was created automatically, you can skip this step:

sh$ croud organizations create --name samplecroudorganization

This will create an organization called “samplecroudorganization”.


Create subscription

The next step is to create a subscription in your organization. To create a new subscription execute this command:

sh$ croud subscriptions create --type contract --org-id <org-id>

This will create a new subscription.


Deploy cluster

When deploying a cluster, these are the required arguments:


The product name to use.


The product tier to use.


The CrateDB cluster name to use.


The CrateDB version to use.


The CrateDB username to use.


The CrateDB password to use.


The CrateDB subscription to use.


The region the cluster will be created in.


sh$ croud clusters deploy /
  --product-name cr1 /
  --tier default /
  --cluster-name my-crate-cluster /
  --region aks1.eastus2  /
  --version 5.8.1 /
  --username admin /
  --password "as6da9ddasfaad7i902jcv780dmcba" /
  --subscription-id 782dfc00-7b25-4f48-8381-b1b096dd1619

| id                                   | name                   | numNodes | crateVersion | projectId                            | username    | fqdn                                             |
| 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 | my-crate-cluster |        1 | 5.8.1       | 952cd102-91c1-4837-962a-12ecb71a6ba8 | admin       | |
==> Info: Cluster creation initiated. It may take a few minutes to complete.
==> Info: Status: REGISTERED (Your creation request was received and is pending processing.)
==> Info: Status: IN_PROGRESS (Cluster creation started. Waiting for the node(s) to be created and creating other required resources.)
==> Success: Operation completed.
| id                                   | name                   | numNodes | crateVersion | projectId                            | username    | fqdn                                             |
| 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 | my-crate-cluster |        1 | 5.8.1       | 952cd102-91c1-4837-962a-12ecb71a6ba8 | admin       | |


Parameters tips:

The minimum length of a password is 24 characters.

  • To see all the available products issue: croud products list.

  • To see all regions available issue: croud regions list.

  • To find out your subscription-id issue: croud subscriptions list.


Complete documentation on clusters in Croud, including all the deployment arguments, can be found here.

Deploying a cluster with a specific version

You may want to deploy a cluster with a version other than the latest. You can do this using the --version parameter. Historical Stable and Testing or Nightly builds are all public and available to any user. To use the Nightly/Testing channels, you must use the --channel parameter.

sh$ croud clusters deploy --product-name cr1 /
  --tier default /
  --cluster-name my-crate-cluster /
  --version 5.8.1 /
  --username admin /
  --password "as6da9ddasfaad7i902jcv780dmcba" /
  --subscription-id 3a35974f-5319-47fb-9a1f-ab85dca75c86 /
  --channel testing

This command deploys a 5.2.0 version cluster.

Alternatively, you can deploy a cluster with an older version, like this:

sh$ croud clusters deploy /
  --product-name cr1 /
  --tier default /
  --cluster-name my-crate-cluster /
  --version 5.8.1 /
  --username admin /
  --password "as6da9ddasfaad7i902jcv780dmcba" /
  --subscription-id 3a35974f-5319-47fb-9a1f-ab85dca75c86

Scale cluster

Clusters can be scaled at any time, this allows you to add more nodes or more storage to your cluster.


Required arguments:


The CrateDB cluster ID to use.


The product scale unit to use. This parameter SETS the amount of nodes. I.e.

  • --unit 0 means 1 node

  • --unit 1 means 2 nodes

  • --unit 2 means 3 nodes etc.

This allows you to scale the performance of your cluster up or down.


sh$ croud clusters scale \
  --cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 \
  --unit 1

| id                                   | name                   | numNodes |
| 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 | my-crate-cluster |        1 |
==> Info: Cluster scaling initiated. It may take a few minutes to complete the changes.
==> Info: Status: SENT (Your scaling request was sent to the region.)
==> Info: Status: IN_PROGRESS (Scaling up from 1 to 2 nodes. Waiting for new
node(s) to be present.)
==> Success: Operation completed.
| id                                   | name                   | numNodes |
| 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 | my-crate-cluster |        2 |

Storage expansion

Required arguments:


The CrateDB cluster ID to use.


New size of attached disks (in GiB). This parameter sets the storage to the size specified in parameter. It is not possible to reduce storage.


sh$ croud clusters expand-storage \
  --cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 \
  --disk-size-gb 512
| id                                   | name                   | hardware_specs                     |
| 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 | my-crate-cluster | Disk size: 256.0 GiB               |
==> Info: Cluster storage expansion initiated. It may take a few minutes to complete the changes.
==> Info: Status: REGISTERED (Your storage expansion request was received and is pending processing.)
==> Info: Status: SENT (Your storage expansion request was sent to the region.)
==> Info: Status: IN_PROGRESS (Suspending cluster and waiting for Persistent Volume Claim(s) to be resized.)
==> Info: Status: IN_PROGRESS (Starting cluster. Scaling back up to 3 nodes. Waiting for node(s) to be present.)
==> Success: Operation completed.
| id                                   | name                   | hardware_specs                     |
| 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 | my-crate-cluster | Disk size: 512.0 GiB               |


When increasing storage size of a cluster, it is temporarily stopped, while the operation finishes.


For all available arguments for the scaling command, see the cluster scale and cluster storage expansion documentation.