Data types¶
Table of contents
The CrateDB object handler¶
This plugin provides a CrateDB object handler that allows you to read and write arbitrary CLR objects from and CrateDB columns.
To use this feature, import the Npgsql.CrateDb
namespace and call the
extension method on the TypeMapper of your
NpgsqlConnection, like so:
using Npgsql.CrateDb;
using (var con = OpenConnection())
Reading objects¶
Objects can be read with the GetObject<T>(NpgsqlDataReader, int)
method, like so:
using (var command = new NpgsqlCommand("select my_json_column from my_table", con))
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
if (reader.Read())
// Returns an instance of type MyClrObject
var obj = reader.GetObject<MyClrObject>(0);
The GetObject<T>(NpgsqlDataReader, int)
extension method is in the
Reading object arrays¶
Object arrays can be read with the GetObjectArray<T>(NpgsqlDataReader, int)
extension method, like so:
using (var command = new NpgsqlCommand("select my_json_array_column from my_table", con))
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
if (reader.Read())
// Returns an instance of type MyClrObject[]
var arr = reader.GetObjectArray<MyClrObject>(0);
The GetObjectArray<T>(NpgsqlDataReader, int)
extension method is in the
Writing objects and object arrays¶
You can set arbitrary CLR objects as values for parameters referencing columns with the JSON data type. For example:
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@obj_field", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Json,
new { inner = "Zoon" });
Internally, Newtonsoft.Json is used to serialize objects to JSON strings and vice versa.
An array of objects can be inserted into a table by setting the parameter value of the object array column to a string array of JSON strings that represent the objects. For example:
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@obj_array", new string[] {
"{\"inner\": \"Zoon1\"}",
"{\"inner\": \"Zoon2\"}"
Byte arrays¶
A CrateDB byte array is read into .NET as an array of either int2
objects. Normally, to read those values into a byte[]
you could do something like this:
char[] array = reader.GetFieldValue<char[]>(ordinal);
return array.Select(c => Convert.ToByte(c)).ToArray();
This plugin provides the GetBytes(NpgsqlDataReader, int)
extension method,
which achieves the same result.
You can read a byte array like this:
using (var command = new NpgsqlCommand("select my_byte_array_column from my_table", con))
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
if (reader.Read())
// Returns an array of bytes
var arr = reader.GetBytes(0);