Import data from MongoDB

In this quick tutorial, you’ll use the CrateDB Toolkit MongoDB I/O subsystem to import data from MongoDB into CrateDB.


Important: The tutorial uses adapter software which is currently in beta testing. If you discover any issues, please report them back to us.


Transfer data from MongoDB database/collection into CrateDB schema/table.

ctk load table \
  "mongodb+srv://" \

Query data in CrateDB.

export CRATEPW=password
crash --username=user --command="SELECT * FROM testdrive.demo;"

Data Model

MongoDB stores data in collections and documents. CrateDB stores data in schemas and tables.

  • A database in MongoDB is a physical container for collections, similar to a schema in CrateDB, which groups tables together within a database.

  • A collection in MongoDB is a grouping of documents, similar to a table in CrateDB, which is a structured collection of rows.

  • A document in MongoDB is a record in a collection, similar to a row in a CrateDB table. It is a set of key-value pairs, where each key represents a field, and the value represents the data.

  • A field in MongoDB is similar to a column in a CrateDB table. In both systems, fields (or columns) define the attributes for the records (or rows/documents).

  • A primary key in MongoDB is typically the _id field, which uniquely identifies a document within a collection. In CrateDB, a primary key uniquely identifies a row in a table.

  • An index in MongoDB is similar to an index in CrateDB. Both are used to improve query performance by providing a fast lookup for fields (or columns) within documents (or rows).

Databases and Collections


The tutorial heavily uses Docker to provide services and to run jobs. Alternatively, you can use the drop-in replacement Podman. The walkthrough uses basic example setup including MongoDB v7.0.x, CrateDB and a few samples worth of data that is being transferred to CrateDB.


Prerequisites are running instances of CrateDB and MongoDB.

Start MongoDB.

docker run --rm -it --name=mongodb \
  --publish=27017:27017 \
  --volume="$PWD/var/lib/mongodb:/data/db" \

Start CrateDB.

docker run --rm -it --name=cratedb \
  --publish=4200:4200 \
  --volume="$PWD/var/lib/cratedb:/data" \
  crate:latest -Cdiscovery.type=single-node

Sample Data

In this case we imported demo data to MongoDB in JSON format:

          "_id": "66bb0bd8e17c5c509fbc8b2c",
          "VendorID": 2,
          "tpep_pickup_datetime": 1563051934000,
          "tpep_dropoff_datetime": 1563053222000,
          "passenger_count": 2,
          "trip_distance": 3.29,
          "RatecodeID": 1,
          "store_and_fwd_flag": "N",
          "PULocationID": 79,
          "DOLocationID": 170,
          "payment_type": 1,
          "fare_amount": 15.5,
          "extra": 0.5,
          "mta_tax": 0.5,
          "tip_amount": 3.86,
          "tolls_amount": 0,
          "improvement_surcharge": 0.3,
          "total_amount": 23.16,
          "congestion_surcharge": 2.5,
          "airport_fee": ""
      }, ...

Import data to MongoDB:

mongoimport --db testdrive --collection demo --file demodata.json --jsonArray


mongoimport is part of the MongoDB Database tools.

Verify data is present:

docker exec -it mongodb mongosh
use testdrive

Data Import

First, create these command aliases, for better UX.

alias crash="docker run --rm -it --link=cratedb crash"
alias ctk="docker run --rm -it  ctk"

Now, import data from MongoDB database/collection into CrateDB schema/table.

ctk load table \
  "mongodb://localhost:27017/testdrive/demo" \

Verify that relevant data has been transferred to CrateDB.

crash --host=cratedb --command="SELECT * FROM testdrive.demo;"

Cloud to Cloud

The procedure for importing data from MongoDB Atlas into CrateDB Cloud is similar, with a few small adjustments.

First, helpful aliases again:

alias ctk="docker run --rm -it ctk"
alias crash="docker run --rm -it crash"

You will need your credentials for both CrateDB and MongoDB. These are, with examples:

CrateDB Cloud

  • Host:

  • Username: admin

  • Password: -9..nn

MongoDB Atlas

  • Host:

  • User: admin

  • Password: a1..d1

For CrateDB, the credentials are displayed at time of cluster creation. For MongoDB, they can be found in the cloud platform itself.

Now, same as before, import data from MongoDB database/collection into CrateDB schema/table.

ctk load table \
  "mongodb+srv://" \


Note the necessary ssl=true query parameter at the end of both database connection URLs when working on Cloud-to-Cloud transfers.

Verify that relevant data has been transferred to CrateDB.

crash --hosts '' --command 'SELECT * FROM testdrive.demo;'

More information

There are more ways to apply the I/O subsystem of CrateDB Toolkit as pipeline elements in your daily data operations routines. Please visit the CrateDB Toolkit MongoDB I/O subsystem documentation, to learn more about what’s possible.

The MongoDB I/O subsystem is based on the migr8 migration utility package. Please also check its documentation to learn about more of its capabilities, supporting you when working with MongoDB.