HTTP client¶
Table of Contents
The CrateDB Python driver package offers an HTTP client API object.
>>> from crate.client import http
>>> HttpClient = http.Client
Server configuration¶
A list of servers can be passed while creating an instance of the http client:
>>> http_client = HttpClient([crate_host])
>>> http_client.close()
Its also possible to pass a single server as a string:
>>> http_client = HttpClient(crate_host)
>>> http_client.close()
If no server
argument (or no argument at all) is passed, the default one
is used:
>>> http_client = HttpClient()
>>> http_client._active_servers
>>> http_client.close()
When using a list of servers, the servers are selected by round-robin:
>>> invalid_host = "invalid_host:9999"
>>> even_more_invalid_host = "even_more_invalid_host:9999"
>>> http_client = HttpClient([crate_host, invalid_host, even_more_invalid_host], timeout=0.3)
>>> http_client._get_server()
>>> http_client._get_server()
>>> http_client._get_server()
>>> http_client.close()
Servers with connection errors will be removed from the active server list:
>>> http_client = HttpClient([invalid_host, even_more_invalid_host, crate_host], timeout=0.3)
>>> result = http_client.sql('select name from locations')
>>> http_client._active_servers
Inactive servers will be re-added after a given time interval. To validate this, set the interval and timeout very short, and sleep after the first request:
>>> http_client.retry_interval = 1
>>> result = http_client.sql('select name from locations')
>>> import time; time.sleep(1)
>>> server = http_client._get_server()
>>> http_client._active_servers
>>> http_client.close()
If no active servers are available and the retry interval is not reached, just use the oldest inactive one:
>>> http_client = HttpClient([invalid_host, even_more_invalid_host, crate_host], timeout=0.3)
>>> result = http_client.sql('select name from locations')
>>> http_client._active_servers = []
>>> http_client._get_server()
>>> http_client.close()
SQL Statements¶
Issue a select statement against our with test data pre-filled crate instance:
>>> http_client = HttpClient(crate_host)
>>> result = http_client.sql('select name from locations order by name')
>>> pprint(result)
{'col_types': [4],
'cols': ['name'],
'duration': ...,
'rowcount': 13,
'rows': [['Aldebaran'],
['Allosimanius Syneca'],
['Alpha Centauri'],
['Arkintoofle Minor'],
['Galactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma'],
['North West Ripple'],
['Outer Eastern Rim']]}
Check if a blob exists:
>>> http_client.blob_exists('myfiles', '040f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8')
Trying to get a non-existing blob throws an exception:
>>> http_client.blob_get('myfiles', '041f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8')
Traceback (most recent call last):
crate.client.exceptions.DigestNotFoundException: myfiles/041f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8
Creating a new blob - this method returns True
if the blob was newly created:
>>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile
>>> f = TemporaryFile()
>>> _ = f.write(b'content')
>>> _ =
>>> http_client.blob_put(
... 'myfiles', '040f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8', f)
Uploading the same content again returns False
>>> _ =
>>> http_client.blob_put(
... 'myfiles', '040f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8', f)
Now the blob exist:
>>> http_client.blob_exists('myfiles', '040f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8')
Blobs are returned as generators, generating a chunk on each call:
>>> g = http_client.blob_get('myfiles', '040f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8')
>>> print(next(g))
The chunk_size can be set explicitly on get:
>>> g = http_client.blob_get(
... 'myfiles', '040f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8', 5)
>>> print(next(g))
>>> print(next(g))
Deleting a blob - this method returns true if the blob existed:
>>> http_client.blob_del('myfiles', '040f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8')
>>> http_client.blob_del('myfiles', '040f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8')
Uploading a blob to a table with disabled blob support throws an exception:
>>> _ =
>>> http_client.blob_put(
... 'locations', '040f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8', f)
Traceback (most recent call last):
crate.client.exceptions.BlobLocationNotFoundException: locations/040f06fd774092478d450774f5ba30c5da78acc8
>>> http_client.close()
>>> f.close()
Error Handling¶
Create a function that takes a lot of time to return so we can run into a timeout exception:
>>> http_client = HttpClient(crate_host)
>>> http_client.sql('''
... var fib = function fib(n) { return n < 2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); }
... '
... ''')
>>> http_client.close()
It is possible to define a HTTP timeout in seconds when creating a client object, so an exception is raised when the timeout expires:
>>> http_client = HttpClient(crate_host, timeout=0.01)
>>> http_client.sql('select fib(32)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
crate.client.exceptions.ConnectionError: No more Servers available, exception from last server: ...
>>> http_client.close()
In order to adjust the connect- vs. read-timeout values individually,
please use the urllib3.Timeout
object like:
>>> import urllib3
>>> http_client = HttpClient(crate_host, timeout=urllib3.Timeout(connect=1.11, read=0.01))
>>> http_client.sql('select fib(32)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
crate.client.exceptions.ConnectionError: No more Servers available, exception from last server: ...
>>> http_client.close()
When connecting to non-CrateDB servers, the HttpClient will raise a ConnectionError like this:
>>> http_client = HttpClient([""])
>>> http_client.server_infos(http_client._get_server())
Traceback (most recent call last):
crate.client.exceptions.ProgrammingError: Invalid server response of content-type 'text/html':
>>> http_client.close()
When using the error_trace
kwarg a full traceback of the server exception
will be provided:
>>> from crate.client.exceptions import ProgrammingError
>>> http_client = HttpClient([crate_host], error_trace=True)
>>> try:
... http_client.sql("select grmpf form error arrrggghh")
... except ProgrammingError as e:
... trace = 'TRACE: ' + str(e.error_trace)
>>> print(trace)
TRACE: ... mismatched input 'error' expecting {<EOF>, ...
at io.crate...
>>> http_client.close()