
Table of contents

Creating views

Views are stored named queries which can be used in place of table names. They’re resolved at runtime and can be used to simplify common queries.

Views are created using the CREATE VIEW statement

For example, a common use case is to create a view which queries a table with a pre-defined filter:

cr> CREATE VIEW big_mountains AS
... SELECT * FROM sys.summits WHERE height > 2000;
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)

Querying views

Once created, views can be used instead of a table in a statement:

cr> SELECT mountain, height FROM big_mountains ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 3;
| mountain     | height |
| Acherkogel   |   3008 |
| Ackerlspitze |   2329 |
| Adamello     |   3539 |
SELECT 3 rows in set (... sec)


In order to be able to query data from a view, a user needs to have DQL privileges on a view. DQL privileges can be granted on a cluster level, on the schema in which the view is contained, or the view itself. Privileges on relations accessed by the view are not necessary.

However, it is required, at all times, that the owner (the user who created the view), has DQL privileges on all relations occurring within the view’s query definition.

A common use case for this is to give users access to a subset of a table without exposing the table itself as well. If the owner DQL permissions on the underlying relations, a user who has access to the view will no longer be able to query it.

Dropping views

Views can be dropped using the DROP VIEW statement:

cr> DROP VIEW big_mountains;
DROP OK, 1 row affected (... sec)