Logical replication setup between CrateDB clusters¶
Logical replication is a method of data replication between multiple clusters. As a publish/subscribe model, it allows a publishing cluster to make certain tables available for subscription. Subscribing clusters pull changes from a publication and replay them on their side.
Table of contents
Logical replication is available in CrateDB 4.8 and later.
To replicate data from one cluster to another, we need two CrateDB clusters. For this example, we spin them up locally as two single-node Docker containers.
A cluster isn’t limited to be either a publisher or subscriber, but can take
both roles for different tables. However, for the
sake of simplicity, we will refer to the two clusters as
and cluster-subscribing
sh$ docker run \
--name cluster-publishing \
--detach \
--publish 4201:4200 \
--publish 5433:5432 \
--env CRATE_HEAP_SIZE=1g \
crate:latest \
sh$ docker run \
--name cluster-subscribing \
--detach \
--publish 4202:4200 \
--publish 5434:5432 \
--env CRATE_HEAP_SIZE=1g \
crate:latest \
We apply an offset to the ports of each cluster, so they don’t overlap. The
Admin UIs of cluster-publishing
and cluster-subscribing
are accessible at
http://localhost:4201/ and http://localhost:4202/ respectively. All SQL
statements discussed below can be executed via the corresponding Admin UI.
As the subscriber pulls changes from the publisher, the publisher needs to accept
incoming network connections from the subscriber. In our example setup, this is
automatically given because both containers are running on the same host.
For reaching each other, they will use the special host.docker.internal
Setting up a publication¶
All SQL statements in this section are executed on cluster-publishing
Before setting up the replication, we create a simple table that is going to be
the subject of replication. A table with the same name must not exist yet on
CREATE TABLE doc.temperature_data (
temperature FLOAT NOT NULL
Next, a publication is created with CREATE PUBLICATION. The publication marks our table as being available for replication, but otherwise does not imply any activity yet.
CREATE PUBLICATION temperature_publication FOR TABLE doc.temperature_data;
To verify the publication was created successfully, we query the pg_publication system table. It should contain one row with the publication just added.
FROM pg_publication;
With this, we are already all set on the publication side.
Setting up a subscription¶
All SQL statements in this section are executed on cluster-subscribing
A subscription needs connection information to the publishing cluster as well as the name of the previously created publication to subscribe to.
Specifying the mode
the connection can be established via either the transport protocol or the
PostgreSQL protocol. By setting the parameter to pg_tunnel
, we use the
PostgreSQL protocol.
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION temperature_subscription
CONNECTION 'crate://host.docker.internal:5433?user=crate&mode=pg_tunnel'
PUBLICATION temperature_publication;
The password
parameter is omitted, as local connections using the crate
user don’t require one. If you are connecting remotely, provide user
of a user with DQL
privileges on published tables.
After a few seconds, the table doc.temperature_data
should appear on
. At this point, it is still empty as we didn’t insert
any data yet.
To verify the operational status of the subscription, the system tables
pg_subscription and pg_subscription_rel can be queried. The below query returns
the name of the subscription (subname
), its state (srsubstate
), as well
as any potential error message (srsubstate_reason
SELECT subname, r.srrelid::TEXT, srsubstate, srsubstate_reason
FROM pg_subscription s
LEFT JOIN pg_subscription_rel r ON s.oid = r.srsubid;
returns the value r
, indicating the initial replication of
the empty table has finished and is awaiting new changes.
Any subsequent INSERT
operations on
will now replicate to cluster-subscribing
On cluster-subscribing
the table is read-only, meaning only the publisher
may add or modify rows.