CrateDB connectivity options at a glance.
You have a variety of options to connect to CrateDB, and to integrate it with off-the-shelve, 3rd-party, open-source, and proprietary applications.
CrateDB supports both the HTTP protocol and the PostgreSQL wire protocol, which ensures that many clients that work with PostgreSQL, will also work with CrateDB.
Through corresponding drivers, CrateDB is compatible with JDBC, ODBC, and other database API specifications. By supporting SQL, CrateDB is compatible with many standard database environments out of the box.
CrateDB provides plenty of connectivity options with database drivers, applications, and frameworks, in order to get time series data in and out of CrateDB, and to connect to other applications.
To learn more, please refer to the documentation sections and hands-on tutorials about supported client drivers, libraries, and frameworks, and how to configure and use them with CrateDB optimally.
Reference Manual
Protocols and API Standards
In order to provide a CrateDB instance for testing purposes, use, for example, Docker.
docker run --rm -it --publish=4200:4200 --publish=5432:5432 crate/crate:nightly
The CrateDB Examples repository also includes a collection of clear and concise examples how to connect to and work with CrateDB, using different environments, applications, or frameworks.