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Articles by Emily Woods

About the author

Trip Report: J on the Beach, 2019

Trip Report: J on the Beach, 2019

Some of the highlights from the J on the Beach 2019. With talk videos, some personal reflection, and links to further reading.

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Infrastructure as Code, Part Three: Configuration With Salt

Infrastructure as Code, Part Three: Configuration With Salt

In part three of this Infrastructure as Code (IaC) series, I will introduce you to Salt and show you can use it to decompose your infrastructure setup...

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Infrastructure as Code, Part Two: A Closer Look at Terraform

Infrastructure as Code, Part Two: A Closer Look at Terraform

In part two of this IaC miniseries, I will tell you more about Terraform and provide examples from our own setup at

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Infrastructure as Code, Part One

Infrastructure as Code, Part One

IaC uses code to provision, configure, and manage infrastructure. In part one of this IaC miniseries, I will introduce you to the basic concepts and explain some of the benefits.

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On Writing Beautiful Tests

On Writing Beautiful Tests

Testing and thinking about modes of failure as you design code will help you to write more robust software, which is, in turn, easier to maintain.

Read more at Berlin Buzzwords 2018 at Berlin Buzzwords 2018

Some of the team attended Berlin Buzzwords 2018 last week. In this post, we will share some of the things we learned.

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