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Articles by Jodok Batlogg

About the author

Servus and Thank You!

Servus and Thank You!

Today I’m announcing my departure from, the company I cofounded 7+ years ago and have been building together with a great team.

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On Open Source, Licensing, and Building a Sustainable Company

On Open Source, Licensing, and Building a Sustainable Company

Read the perspective of the co-founder of with respect to open-source licensing, its values, and how to make it work as a company.

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Achievement Unlocked: CrateDB 1.0

Achievement Unlocked: CrateDB 1.0

CrateDB 1.0 is available with improved performance and a host of new features for the distributed open source SQL database.

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4 Things to Know about Databases in a Microservices Environment

CrateDB is a distributed SQL database with a horizontally scalable shared-nothing architecture that lends itself well to containerization.

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