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Blog Wins TechCrunch Disrupt Startup Battle!

This article is more than 4 years old

Jodok and Christian receiving the TechCrunch Disrupt Award

We're beside ourselves, having been chosen as the winner of TechCrunch Disrupt: London's Startup Battle.  After being selected as one of 14 finalists, we knew we were in good company but also that the competition would be fierce.  Our team rehearsed and fine tuned their pitch, and it paid off!  We are humbled and honored to be chosen the winner amongst such a great group of startups who are all working so hard to become successful.  Our hats off to everyone who participated and to all of the great people and companies who are daring to change the world.

If you're interested in learning more about how Crate can help solve your scaling needs as an elastic data store, check out an overview of Crate. If you'd like to speak with us, you can contact us directly, we'd love to talk with you in person!

Again, thanks so much to everyone from TechCrunch, and to all of the companies here at Disrupt London!

Interested in trying Crate right now? Download Crate and get started today!

About Crate

CrateDB is a new breed of database to serve today’s mammoth data needs. Based on the familiar SQL syntax, Crate combines high availability, resiliency, and scalability in a distributed design that allows you to query mountains of data in realtime, not batches. We solve your data scaling problems and make administration a breeze.