Webinar on Mar 19th: Emergency Response & Wildfire Real-Time Analysis

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CrateDB Advisory #17278

CrateDB users should upgrade to 5.9.9, 5.8.6, or 5.7.6 to avoid a potential data loss issue that may occur when the maximum amount of shards per node limit has been changed. 

Issue description and impact 

When trying to increase the number of shards: 

ALTER TABLE t1 PARTITION (a = 1) SET (number_of_shards = ?); 

The operation will silently fail and drop the entire partition, if: 

  • number_of_shards was higher than what is possible to allocate, given the limit previously configured by the user. 

As a result, all data in the partition is deleted from the disk. 

For more details, see https://github.com/crate/crate/issues/17278  

Affected versions 

All actively supported versions are affected by this issue: 

5.9.8 and lower
5.8.5 and lower
5.7.5 and lower

Versions older than 5.7 are no longer supported. While they have not been specifically tested, it is probably older versions are also affected. Users still on these versions should upgrade to 5.9.9. 

You can check if your cluster is affected by running the following query:
shards_per_node AS (
SELECT settings['routing']['allocation']['total_shards_per_node'] AS shards_per_node
FROM information_schema.tables
SELECT settings['routing']['allocation']['total_shards_per_node'] AS shards_per_node
FROM information_schema.table_partitions )
SELECT SUM(IF (shards_per_node > 0, 1, 0)) > 0 AS affected
FROM shards_per_node;
If the query returns true, your cluster is affected and you should follow the workaround steps below.


We recommend taking the following steps to prevent the issue from occurring: 

  • Do not change total-shards-per-node value from the default (-1, unlimited)  
  • If the value has been changed, do not increase the number of shards 
  • Temporarily remove DDL permissions from all admins, you can issue the following command: REVOKE DDL ON TABLE mytable FROM myadmin   


Upgrading to CrateDB 5.9.9, 5.8.6, and 5.7.6 prevents this issue from occurring. There is no remediation if data loss already occurred. 

Please reach out to CrateDB Support if you have any questions or issues with performing the steps above.