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Blog makes it to the Final 8 at Pioneers Festival

This article is more than 4 years old has been on a roll lately, what with our recent win at TechCrunch Disrupt London.  There has been a lot of great excitement and interest around our elastic data store which combines the best of scalability, resiliency, distributed storage, and ease of use with the power of SQL. This excitement didn't end at the Pioneers Festival in Vienna, where we were chosen as one of the 8 finalists of the Startup Challenge. is one of 8 finalists in the Pioneers Festival Statrup Challenge.

As the festival came to a close today, a great team from Oradian was chosen as the winner and we're happy to extend a hearty "congratulations" to them on their success!  I'm sure we'll be hearing great things from them in the coming months. Oradian is building innovative solutions to the challenges facing microfinance institutions around the globe, something that is long overdue.

As for, while we're disappointed in not being chosen as the winner, it is still a great honor to attend Pioneers Festival, get selected as one of the 8 finalists, and for the opportunity to deliver our pitch in front of such a prestigious panel of judges.  The more we can get the Crate name out there and explain how Crate allows innovative companies to easily deploy massively scalable backend data solutions, the better!

What's next? We hope to see you all at the upcoming Web Summit conference in Dublin. If you're planning to attend, follow us on Twitter so we can connect!

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