Live Webinar: From Rockset to CrateDB

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Hi there! I'm Goatie, the proud mascot of CrateDB. 

I'm sure you're curious about how I became the cherished mascot of all CrateDB employees. Well, let me share my story with you... 

I remember when I first saw the CrateDB's founders in the mountains of Vorarlberg in Austria. They were having a hackathon with many external developers and were staying at the same mountain hut as me.

CrateDB Goats

As a goat, I was used to seeing hikers come and go, but this group was different. They were full of energy and excitement!

I noticed they often came outside to take breaks from their coding and programming. They would gather around the other goats and me every time. I could tell they really liked us.  

CrateDB Team and Goats

I think they saw in us a sense of resiliency and curiosity that they could relate to. Soon enough, we became a symbol of their hackathons! They no longer saw us as just animals, but as part of their community.

They even started wearing t-shirts with my picture on it! Before I knew it, I had become the official mascot of CrateDB. I’m a symbol of their creativity, adventurous spirit and resilient traits. I feel proud to have played a role in their journey.

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