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How to Connect with Python

Connecting to CrateDB with Python is made easy using our dedicated client library.


Utilize Python drivers to ensure seamless integration with CrateDB through the SQLAlchemy dialect, enabling smooth operation across various platforms. Trusted by numerous tools within the Python ecosystem, it efficiently supports CPython and PyPy for hassle-free interactions, including compatibility with the Crash CLI.


# pip install crate
from crate import client

conn = client.connect("",
username="admin", password="", verify_ssl_cert=True)

with conn:
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sys.cluster")
    result = cursor.fetchone()

# pip install crate[sqlalchemy]
import sqlalchemy as sa

dburi = "crate://"
engine = sa.create_engine(dburi, echo=True)

with engine.connect() as conn:
    with conn.execute(sa.text("SELECT name FROM sys.cluster")) as cursor:

# pip install crate[sqlalchemy] pandas
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as sa

dburi = "crate://"
engine = sa.create_engine(dburi, echo=True)

with engine.connect() as conn:
    df = pd.read_sql(sql=sa.text("SELECT * FROM sys.summits"), con=conn)

The Python driver acts as an implementation compatible with the Python Database API 2.0 specification, providing essential functionalities to establish connections, execute SQL queries, and manage query results seamlessly within CrateDB. Moreover, it includes the CrateDB SQLAlchemy dialect, enabling a comprehensive integration with SQLAlchemy, a popular SQL toolkit for Python. For detailed technical specifications and comprehensive functionalities, explore the CrateDB Python driver documentation.

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