Database for Video Analytics
Database for Video Analytics
that truly Scales
Insert all your video logs into a single database you can query instantaneously. Don’t bother about volume and performance, CrateDB takes care of it.
CrateDB is the perfect database for video analytics. It addresses following requirements:
- Collect data from the different video players, including video metadata and video lifecycle events (play, pause …).
- Process and store data on a cost-efficient infrastructure.
- Query data in real-time to answer questions such as “how many users are having issues with their streaming experience?”
- Integrate with dashboards and with machine learning tools.
With video analytics, most of the challenges appear with the need for scaling.
Scaling for storage:
- Each playback session generates around 100 rows of data.
- One day represents 1TB of data at least.
- Traditional retention time is between 30 and 90 days but more and more premium B2B customers expect 90 days or more.
- Warm and cold data needs to be available for mid- and long-term analysis and integration in AI/ML tools.

Scaling for ingestion:
- Thousands to hundreds of thousands of events occur per second.
- Each event contains more than one hundred possible dimensions to index on the fly.

Data needs to be available in real-time, right upon data ingestion, as operations team depend on these data to make informed decisions.
CrateDB provides:
- Response time in milliseconds.
- Multiple aggregations of huge amount of data with:
- Hyperloglog
- Math functions such as percentile, sum, average …
- Complex filtering for all fields.
- No prework needed (no need for preliminary downsampling and pre-aggregation techniques).

"CrateDB allows us to do real-time dashboards on very big streaming and historic datasets in a simple way. We can scale the system easily as we grow the load and customers and have it all done with SQL."
Christopher Müller
Log analytics, Media

Bitmovin is a leading video streaming company. They use CrateDB to store 140 terabytes of storage, both user events and user interactions. Every day, there is one billion of new lines of data, with the largest tables containing around 60 billion playback events.
"It is through the use of CrateDB that we are able to offer our large-scale video analytics component in the first place. Comparable products are either not capable of handling the large flood of data or they are simply too expensive."
Daniel Holbling-Inzko
Senior Director of Engineering - Analytics