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Articles by Mathias Fußenegger

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CrateDB v4.5 is now stable and ready to use

CrateDB v4.5 is now stable and ready to use

Apart from including the Enterprise features and new statements as the CREATE TABLE AS, with CrateDB v4.5 we've done work behind the scenes—with improvements in the documentation, error messages, and stability.

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CrateDB 4.4 is now stable and ready to use

CrateDB 4.4 is now stable and ready to use

In this release, we improved the performance and stability of CrateDB, diagnostics, and its standard SQL and Postgres compatibility.

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Lab Notes: Extending Support for Scalar Subqueries

Lab Notes: Extending Support for Scalar Subqueries

In this post, I will introduce scalar subqueries, explain what challenges we faced extending this feature in CrateDB, and then show you how we addressed those challenges.

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Lab Notes: Query Execution Pipeline Overhaul

Lab Notes: Query Execution Pipeline Overhaul

Engineering blog post explaining the CrateDB query processing pipeline and recent modifications to improve it.

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