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Release: Crate 0.44.7 / Crate 0.45.1

This article is more than 4 years old

CrateIO is pleased to announce two release, Crate version 0.44.7 and 0.45.1. As always, you can find a summary of changes in the CHANGES.txt file in our GitHub repository. We strive to make updating to our latest releases seamless and straightforward. If you find this to not be the case, please don't hesitate to contact us and let us know.

This release introduces a few new features related to scalar functions, type conversion, and column comparison.


Let's start with what was fixed:

FIXED: Non-matching global aggregates on partitioned tables failed.
FIXED: Handle boost factor in simple match predicate correctly.
FIXED: Requests that resulted in a shard failure could cause a NPE during the generation of the error message. 

Some new features were added:

NEW: Reduced memory consumption during execution of regular SELECT statements.
NEW: Reduced memory consumption of COPY FROM statements that involve partitioned tables.

That’s all we have to report today, see you next release!

~Spanky & the Team