December 2019
November 2019
sps smart production solutions
Hands-on. Visionary. Personal. We have the solutions – and you have a world of possibilities! With its unique concept, SPS covers the entire spectrum of smart and digital automation – from simple sensors to intelligent solutions, from what is...November 2019
Data Natives
Tanay Pant from will be speaking at the Data Natives conference in Berlin this November, Tanay will be presenting on the Grand Quadrant of Powerful Databases.November 2019
Microsoft Envision Forum: Manufacturing
Auf dem Microsoft Envision Forum: Manufacturing – Industry Day erhalten Sie an nur einem Tag einen wertvollen Überblick über Trends, Möglichkeiten und Entwicklungen der Digitalisierung in der Fertigungs- und Prozessindustrie. Dabei stehen reale...November 2019
IoT in Action
Accelerate your IoT vision by participating in this IoT in Action event - whether you're a business or technical decision maker looking for specific skills and valuable insights from others' IoT experiences, or you want to connect with those that...November 2019
Big Data London
Tanay Pant is speaking at Big Data LondonOctober 2019
Industrial IoT World Conference 2019
Industrial IoT World brings together hundreds of tech leaders in Atlanta, October 31 – November 1, for use cases and expert guidance to digitally transform your business and operations with Industrial IoT. will be present at this event with...October 2019
The Magic Quadrant of Powerful Databases
The rise in the use of sensors and IoT devices in factories and production floors has transformed the way how operations are conducted. Their impact on the efficiency and cost savings have been so significant that it has been dubbed as...September 2019
Rethink Smart Manufacturing 2019
Mehr als 150 Produktionsleiter & Produktionsvorstände kommen zusammen um Erfahrungswerte, neue Ideen und zukünftige Perspektiven im Kontext „Smart Manufacturing“ auszutauschen und weiter zu entwickeln. Diskutieren Sie praktikable Konzepte im...September 2019