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Articles by PJ Hagerty

CrateDB 3.0.2 (Stable) Available Now

CrateDB 3.0.2 (Stable) Available Now

Hey folks! CrateDB version 3.0.2 was released recently and is now available in the stable release channels.

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May is for Meet-ups!

May is for Meet-ups!

At Crate.io we love meet-ups and May is definitely the month for meeting!

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CrateDB 2.3.5 (Stable) Available Now

CrateDB version 2.3.5 was released recently and is now available in the stable release channels. This is a fix release that includes the following changes.

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The Latest and Cratest

The Latest and Cratest

We're on a mission to evangelize the wonders of new distributed SQL database technology and the cool things IoT developers are doing with it. To that end, we've been traveling around to meet as many of you as possible.

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The Rise of the Distributed SQL Database

The Rise of the Distributed SQL Database

The rise of distributed SQL databases has revolutionized application architecture, allowing scalability & flexibility without sacrificing the SQL power.

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Feature Focus: Making Things Hyper Fast Fast

Feature Focus: Making Things Hyper Fast Fast

The CrateDB 2.3.x release line is stable now, so head on over to the downloads page to get started. In this post, I will take a closer look at some of the other new features in 2.3.

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Feature Focus: UNION ALL

Feature Focus: UNION ALL

The CrateDB 2.3.x release line isn't stable yet, but if you're interested in trying it out for testing purposes, head on over to the downloads page. In this post, I will take a closer look at some of the new features.

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