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Articles about feature-focus

Integrate PostgreSQL with CrateDB Using Foreign Data Wrappers Blog Post

Integrate PostgreSQL with CrateDB Using Foreign Data Wrappers

Learn about CrateDB 5.7's integration with PostgreSQL using Foreign Data Wrappers for seamless data access and advanced analytics.

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CrateDB v5.4

CrateDB 5.4 Feature Focus: Session Timeouts

With the statement_timeout setting, you can define the maximum duration for any database statement, enhancing your control over query execution. Know more!

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Feature Focus: UNION ALL

Feature Focus: UNION ALL

The CrateDB 2.3.x release line isn't stable yet, but if you're interested in trying it out for testing purposes, head on over to the downloads page. In this post, I will take a closer look at some of the new features.

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