Bulk Inserts with unnest
CrateDB 0.55 introduces support for unnesting. Unnest uses arrays to generate a transient table with each array representing a column.
CrateDB 0.55 introduces support for unnesting. Unnest uses arrays to generate a transient table with each array representing a column.
How we were able to greatly increase CrateDB's performance for replicated tables.
Ingesting and handling large amounts of data with CrateDB is easy. Here's a best practice guide explaining some of the crucial aspects.
An interview with Jodok Batlogg from Crate.io by Jeff Meyerson on Software Engineering Daily.
Since Crate generally plays well with containers, many users like and download our Docker images. As containerization is a new technology, many security experts...
A Blog post on how we created a 1001 node Crate cluster, designed to push Crate and Microsoft Azure to their limits.
Performance benchmark explaining how a 56-node CrateDB cluster was able to ingest up to 4.8 million records per second on Microsoft Azure.
Investors in next generation SQL database are Dawn Capital, Sunstone Capital, Draper Esprit, Speedinvest, and Solomon Hykes, creator and CTO of Docker.
CrateDB is a distributed SQL database with a horizontally scalable shared-nothing architecture that lends itself well to containerization.
Helpful hints on how to optimize your setup when ingesting a massive amount of data into CrateDB.