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With CrateDB it was extremley easy to have a single place that we could query through our entire system within milliseconds at any moment in time, and this was impossible before

Newsletter: There's a free live demo coming up in July. Watch our talk at Berlin Buzzwords and more

In this newsletter you read more about CrateDB at Berlin Buzzwords, the CrateDB workshop that was recently held and the latest product news and tutorials

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Airflow and CrateDB

Building a hot and cold storage data retention policy in CrateDB with Apache Airflow

In this article on automating recurrent CrateDB queries with Apache Airflow, our experts will show you a strategy for implementing a data retention policy

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CrateDB and Dask

Data Processing and Analytics with Dask and CrateDB: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Let's explore how to leverage the power of CrateDB in conjunction with Dask, to perform efficient data processing and analysis tasks!

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Airflow and CrateDB

Implementing a data retention policy in CrateDB using Apache Airflow

Leverage the full potential of Apache Airflow with CrateDB, by Niklas Schmidtmer and Marija Selakovic from CrateDB's Customer Engineering team.

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CrateDB and Airflow

Automating export of CrateDB data to S3 using Apache Airflow

Learn how to harness the power of Apache Airflow with CrateDB, with Niklas Schmidtmer and Marija Selakovic from CrateDB's Customer Engineering team!

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How to import data to your CrateDB cluster

How to import data to your CrateDB cluster

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through three different approaches to importing data into your CrateDB Cloud cluster. Know them now.

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Automating financial data collection and storage in CrateDB with Python and pandas 2.0.0

Automating financial data collection & storage in CrateDB with Python and pandas 2.0.0

In this step-by-step post, we introduce a method to get financial data from stock companies. Learn how to store this data in CrateDB and keep it up to date with companies’ data.

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Data Innovation Summit

Newsletter: Let's welcome May ☀️ New CrateDB release, upcoming events, and tutorials

We hope the sunny days are already making an appearance in your region. Check the exciting events and content we've prepared for you👇

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Data integration with Apache Camel and CrateDB: Digital Factory Vorarlberg GmbH use case

Data integration with Apache Camel and CrateDB: Digital Factory Vorarlberg GmbH use case

Learn how Digital Factory Vorarlberg GmbH uses Apache Camel and CrateDB for collecting, processing, and analyzing the power consumption data of multiple machines.

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CrateDB v5.3: Performance improvements and PostgreSQL compatibility

CrateDB v5.3: Performance improvements and PostgreSQL compatibility

We've released CrateDB v5.3 focusing on performance, improved ingestion performance by up to 30% and some correlated sub-query performance by up to 10x.

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