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Articles about community

May is for Meet-ups!

May is for Meet-ups!

At we love meet-ups and May is definitely the month for meeting!

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The Latest and Cratest

The Latest and Cratest

We're on a mission to evangelize the wonders of new distributed SQL database technology and the cool things IoT developers are doing with it. To that end, we've been traveling around to meet as many of you as possible.

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Webinar Roundup: Get Started with CrateDB

Webinar Roundup: Get Started with CrateDB

Here's a roundup of our most recent webinars. Get started with CrateDB and learn more about Sensor Data, Log Data and Geospatial Data.

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The Three Pillars of Healthy Open Source Communities

The Three Pillars of Healthy Open Source Communities

What are the 3 pillars of healthy open source communities? Recap of a panel discussion on open source in Berlin 2017

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CrateDB Conference Demo Processing Cluster

Our CrateDB Conference Demo

How we developed a face recognition app on CrateDB for OSCON 2017. Running on Raspberry Pi hardware, Grafana, and more.

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Our OSCON Demo: A GitHub and IBM Watson Powered Slack Bot

Our OSCON Demo: A GitHub and IBM Watson Powered Slack Bot

Building a Slackbot that answers questions about project data in the Github Archive. Powered by CrateDB and IBM Watson API.

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The DevOps Gathering and My Grand Meetup Tour

The DevOps Gathering and My Grand Meetup Tour

A recap of a series of DevOps meetups in 2017 in which Claus Matzinger presents topics on distributed SQL database management and devOps.

Read more at Software Engineering Daily

An interview with Jodok Batlogg from by Jeff Meyerson on Software Engineering Daily.

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CrateDB adds support for JOINs & Geo shapes at DockerCon 15

CrateDB adds support for JOINs & Geo shapes at DockerCon 15

Today we've taken two huge steps forward in our journey by releasing support for table joins, and support for Geo Shapes in our newest testing release (0.53.0).

Read more is DockerCon Gold Sponsor

We are proud to announce that is an official gold sponsor for DockerCon 2015.

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