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5 Ways to Invest $5 Billion in IoT

5 Ways to Invest $5 Billion in IoT

$5 billion is a significant investment and could be used to develop many different areas of IoT. Here's where we see the greatest upside and need in large-scale IoT systems development.

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The Rise of the Distributed SQL Database

The Rise of the Distributed SQL Database

The rise of distributed SQL databases has revolutionized application architecture, allowing scalability & flexibility without sacrificing the SQL power.

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Lab Notes: Extending Support for Scalar Subqueries

Lab Notes: Extending Support for Scalar Subqueries

In this post, I will introduce scalar subqueries, explain what challenges we faced extending this feature in CrateDB, and then show you how we addressed those challenges.

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Lab Notes: Implementing Non-Collapsable Subselects

Lab Notes: Implementing Non-Collapsable Subselects

CrateDB now supports non-collapsable subselects. Let us introduce you to the problem, and show you the steps took to solve it.

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Lab Notes: Query Execution Pipeline Overhaul

Lab Notes: Query Execution Pipeline Overhaul

Engineering blog post explaining the CrateDB query processing pipeline and recent modifications to improve it.

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Impact Report from 451 Research

Analyst Jason Stamper's Impact Report on

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How the Fastly Wordpress Plugin Helped Us Deal with a Massive Traffic Spike

In April 2014, we were preparing to launch our data store. At the time, we had a simple Wordpress site, and had chosen Fastly as...

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What it's like to be #1 on Hacker News

Don’t get us wrong. We always wanted to get to the number 1 position on Hacker News. We thought we would plan ahead, craft a careful post, do a product announcement and then get there. But instead, it just happened on April 18th.

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