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A warm welcome to Eva Schönleitner, new CEO of

With entering the next phase of expansion, I am very pleased to announce that Eva Schönleitner will lead our company as CEO from now on.

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How to facilitate productive remote meetings

How to facilitate productive remote meetings

Remote meetings are part of the daily work of many teams, but they can be messy. Let's talk about how to make them as productive as possible.

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An introduction to Machine Learning

An introduction to Machine Learning

This Machine Learning guide teaches you to the basic concepts you need to know before digging deeper. More advanced tutorials included at the end.

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Digital transformation to optimize efficiency in the factory floor: the future of manufacturing

Digital transformation to optimize efficiency in the factory floor: the future of manufacturing

Digital transformation is the key to stay competitive in the industrial sector. Find out how the industry 4.0 leaders are finding success.

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New partner on board: welcome roosi

New partner on board: welcome roosi is starting a cooperation with the data intelligence consulting company roosi, expanding the market options for IIoT projects in the DACH region.

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Terminology for database beginners: making sense of databases

Terminology for database beginners: making sense of databases

New to databases? This glossary will help you understand some useful terminology for database beginners, as SQL, consistency, scalability or ACID.

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The unexploited power of industrial time-series data

The unexploited power of industrial time-series data

Manufacturers already have what they need to achieve digitalization: it's their time-series data. The key resides in accessing that information effectively.

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Why are IIoT projects failing?

Why are IIoT projects failing?

The industrial IoT implies huge advantages for manufacturers. However, to fully implement IIoT projects is being challenging for many industries.

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New partner on board: welcome M&M

New partner on board: welcome M&M

Together with M&M Software, we will further advance in our goals: to provide the digital infrastructure the manufacturing industry needs.

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21 Tips for Working From Home During the Coronavirus Crisis

21 Tips for Working From Home During the Coronavirus Crisis

During the Coronavirus crisis, many people are working from home for the first time. This can be challenging. Here's a list of best practices and tips.

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