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DM Radio

Waves of Innovation – Why IoT Is Just Getting Started

Check out this episode of DM Radio where host Eric Kavanagh interviews Christian Lutz, Crate.io; Lucas Funes, Webee; and Victor Wollesen, Per Vices

opensource.com logo

Why Crate.io has returned to its pure open source roots

Crate.io's CTO Bernd Dorn explains on opensource.com why Crate.io has returned to its pure open source roots

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"It is a challenge to be financially successful with open source"

Read the interview with our CTO Bernd Dorn on dotnetpro: "It is a Challenge to be Financially Successful with Open Source"

IoT Evolution World Logo

Winners of the 2021 IoT Evolution Industrial IoT Product of the Year Awards Announced

We are very excited to share with you that Crate.io was announced as one of the winners of the 2021 IoT Evolution Industrial IoT Product of the Year Awards, presented by IoT Evolution World

CrateDB 4.5 takes distributed SQL database open source

CrateDB 4.5 takes distributed SQL database open source

The distributed SQL database vendor is out with a new version of its CrateDB database that brings improved security and management features for on-premises and cloud deployments.

LANline logo

Database for the IIoT

Both the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Big Data are very data-intensive. The resulting heterogeneous infrastructure of databases means an ever more complex administration. Special databases are available for the IIoT to solve those challenges.

Crate.io Open Sources the Entire Codebase of CrateDB – the Database Purpose Built for Machine Data

Crate.io Open Sources the Entire Codebase of CrateDB – the Database Purpose Built for Machine Data

Crate.io Open Sources the Entire Codebase of CrateDB. CrateDB will remain fully open source moving forward.

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Consolidation of databases

Data-intensive trends such as Big Data or Industrial IoT result in a heterogeneous database infrastructure. This makes administration complex. The article outlines how consolidation is possible.

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Smart Manufacturing: Those who do not rely on real-time insights have a disadvantage

Crate.io CEO Eva Schoenleitner shares her thoughts on how to use data to enable automation, analysis, and new business models

Big Data Insider Logo

ALPLA relies on IoT data processing in discrete manufacturing

Crate.io developed an IoT platform for ALPLA based on its CrateDB Cloud for Azure and the CrateDB Edge module.