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Shared-Nothing Architecture 

CrateDB is a distributed system that is built with a shared-nothing architecture. Every node is “equal” and can take over every task within the cluster. There is no hierarchy or various preferences when considering the nodes in the system. The fact that all nodes can perform any task provides built-in load-balancing as most clients support multiple connections to multiple hosts.

CrateDB Shared Nothing Architecture
CrateDB Shared Nothing Architecture

Benefits of a shared-nothing architecture

  • Scaling becomes easier.
  • No single point of failure. See High Availability to learn more.
  • Shards are automatically rebalanced across the different nodes.

Product documentation


Additional resources

On-demand Workshop 2023

Introduction to CrateDB and its Architecture 

CrateDB at Big Data Conference Europe 2022

Not all Time-Series are Equal – Challenges of Storing and Analyzing Industrial Data

Timestamp:  13:13 – 14:30

Want to learn more about CrateDB's architecture?