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Articles about development

How to set up a CrateDB cluster with Kubernetes

How to set up a CrateDB cluster with Kubernetes

Setting up a CrateDB cluster with Kubernetes can be done in just a few steps, and scaling up and down is straightforward.

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CrateDB, Machine Learning, and Hydroelectric Power: Part Two

CrateDB, Machine Learning, and Hydroelectric Power: Part Two

A real-life example of applied machine learning to prevent critical events in a hydroelectric power plant. Part two of the series.

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Machine Learning and CrateDB, Part Three: Experiment Design & Linear Regression

Machine Learning and CrateDB, Part Three: Experiment Design & Linear Regression

In the third part of this miniseries, I show you how to predict the number of Twitter followers a user has using regression analysis.

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Machine Learning and CrateDB, Part Two: Getting Started With Jupyter

Machine Learning and CrateDB, Part Two: Getting Started With Jupyter

In part two of this miniseries, learn how to get started with machine learning using CrateDB and Jupyter Notebook.

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Machine Learning and CrateDB, Part One

Machine Learning and CrateDB, Part One

Part one of a miniseries that introduces you to the fundamentals of machine learning and shows you how to get started with some hands-on coding.

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On Writing Beautiful Tests

On Writing Beautiful Tests

Testing and thinking about modes of failure as you design code will help you to write more robust software, which is, in turn, easier to maintain.

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When is a SQL Subquery 260x Faster than a Left Join?

Learn why SQL subquery performance was 260x faster than a left join when querying 4.6 millions rows of ecommerce cross-sell data in a CrateDB database.

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Geolocation 101: How To Get A User's Location

Geolocation 101: How To Get A User's Location

Blog post on the basics of how to get a web user's location, place a pin on a map, and show them museums nearby using JavaScript.

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Berlin and Geo Shapes in CrateDB

Berlin and Geo Shapes in CrateDB

In our last blogpost about Crate's spatial and geographic features we announced the support for the geo_point data type and related operations. Since that post, we have greatly improved our geographic features...

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Analyzing Germany's weather with

A blog post about my experiments importing 236 million rows of data of the german weather service, DWD, into Crate.

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