Crate for Pythonistas with SQLAlchemy
In this tutorial I want you to show how to interact with Crate using SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy is a Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper.
In this tutorial I want you to show how to interact with Crate using SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy is a Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper.
CrateDB 0.55 introduces support for unnesting. Unnest uses arrays to generate a transient table with each array representing a column.
Helpful hints on how to optimize your setup when ingesting a massive amount of data into CrateDB.
How to get started running and managing CrateDB databases with Mesos.
Using Mesosphere Marathon to manage CrateDB containers makes it easy to deploy a containerized database cluster and allocate database resources quickly
Creating read-only access to a CrateDB cluster using Nginx and a few lines of Lua code.
Discover how CrateDB built a portable datacenter using Intel NUCs, showcasing the power and scalability of their software.
Great post by Stefan Thies about how he used Crate and Node.js to overlay the raw data from website log files with whois information, enabling him to "name" visitors to a site.
Crate provides a specific data type for scenarios where it is necessary to track and analyse geo coordinates.
Crate provides BLOB storage so you can persistently store and retrieve BLOB – typically pictures, videos or large unstructured files, providing a fully distributed cluster solution for BLOB storage.