Deploying the Crate Distributed Database Using Mesos and Marathon
Using Mesosphere Marathon to manage CrateDB containers makes it easy to deploy a containerized database cluster and allocate database resources quickly
Using Mesosphere Marathon to manage CrateDB containers makes it easy to deploy a containerized database cluster and allocate database resources quickly
We're pleased to announce that Crate 0.47.3 is stable! 0.47.3 is quite a major release, check out all the goodies we have prepared for you.
Use CrateDB and Grafana to create scalable and fast dashboards. is pleased to announce our latest release, Crate version 0.44.5.
A look at how we test CrateDB internally and how it influences our development and documentation processes.
Blog post recap of a presentation on test-driven development tutorial featuring CrateDB, SQLAlchemy and Pyramids at EuroPython 2014.
This post will describe how we're using Elasticsearch as part of Crate.
Check out the recording of our Introduction to Crate webinar.
Crate is an elastic SQL Data Store. We created it to provide a quick and powerful massively scalable backend for data intensive (or analytics) apps...