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What constitutes modern databases?

Negative myths often surround state-of-the-art alternatives., developer of the CrateDB database, calls some of them 'fairy tales'.


Five prejudices about modern databases

Developers and administrators are often confronted with traditional databases that are literally gathering dust. Negative myths often surround state-of-the-art alternatives. wants to dispel them.

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Like sand through the fingers

No sooner have we become accustomed to Industry 4.0, than Industry 5.0 is just around the corner. And where is the difference between the two?

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Cloud Database from Vorarlberg spoke with Christian Lutz, founder and Director of the Board at

Eva Schönleitner

Master Big Data

The energy industry is facing a digital future ahead. However, generating and collecting data alone will not achieve much. This data must also be put into a meaningful context this is where helps.

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The "Connected Worker" moves into focus

For Eva Schönleitner, CEO of the start-up, Industry 5.0 is an important step towards managing factories even better and more easily in the future.

Logo Plattform für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit Success with "digital gold" greatest strength is its leading-edge technology, which makes it possible to generate real added value from large volumes of data

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AIoT The AI of Things

The combination of Artifcial Intelligence and IoT offers companies the chance to enter new business opportunities, Christian Lutz is convinced.


When transparency is also obscurity: The conundrum that is open-source security

The challenge of OSS security is that just because everyone can look at the source code, it does not mean anyone will.

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Data Quality and Data Access are Becoming More Critical

If you are thorough in considering your data generation and access needs, you will be in a better position to choose the right database.