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Akos Berzi appoints Akos Berzi as new Chief Financial Officer, the enterprise data management company enabling data insights at scale, announces the appointment of Akos Berzi as new Chief Financial Officer

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Clear the stage for the CLOUD NATIVE ROCKSTARS's CEO Eva Schönleitner won a People Award at the CLOUD NATIVE CONFERENCE 2022.

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Turning data into competitive advantage

TGW Logistics Group simplifies the handling of its huge volumes of data with CrateDB.

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On the way to value creation's co-founder and president, Christian Lutz, talks about challenges, opportunities and risks of companies generating data and its usage.

New Business

Portrait of Eva Schönleitner in the New Business Magazin

Portrait of CEO Eva Schönleitner for the Austrian business magazine New Business.

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"'Data driven' is a quantum leap"'s co-founder and president, Christian Lutz, talks about becoming a data-driven company.

Ability to suspends the clusters’ compute power while retaining the data in order to save costs Launches New Tier Model for CrateDB Cloud with Added Flexibility and Cost Optimization

The new tier for CrateDB Cloud offers the ability to deploy it with shared infrastructure resources and suspend compute power.

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New Business

Es rappelt in der Kiste

Interview with CEO Eva Schönleitner for the Austrian business magazine New Business.

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The database of tomorrow is a data management platform

For a long time, the concept of data lakes has dominated the business analytics market and served well. However, the future lies in data management platforms.

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Exec Q&A with CEO Eva Schönleitner

The CEO of, a database technology ideal for digitalisation, is responsible for scaling the company globally. She shares some personal insights