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Articles by Niklas Schmidtmer

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Replicating CDC Events from DynamoDB to CrateDB

Replicating CDC Events from DynamoDB to CrateDB

Replicate CDC events from DynamoDB to CrateDB in real-time using AWS services and cratedb-toolkit. Explore the seamless data pipeline setup and execution for efficient data processing.

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How CrateDB Compares to Rockset (and Elasticsearch/OpenSearch) for Streaming Ingest

How CrateDB Compares to Rockset (and Elasticsearch/OpenSearch) for Streaming Ingest

Discover how CrateDB outperforms Rockset in streaming ingest performance and latency, offering cost savings and high availability. Learn more in this detailed comparison.

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Ingest throughput on scaling from one to five CrateDB nodes

How we scaled ingestion to one million rows per second

This post describes the process of scaling ingest throughput from a single node cluster to reaching 1 million rows per second.

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Airflow and CrateDB

Building a hot and cold storage data retention policy in CrateDB with Apache Airflow

In this article on automating recurrent CrateDB queries with Apache Airflow, our experts will show you a strategy for implementing a data retention policy

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Airflow and CrateDB

Implementing a data retention policy in CrateDB using Apache Airflow

Leverage the full potential of Apache Airflow with CrateDB, by Niklas Schmidtmer and Marija Selakovic from CrateDB's Customer Engineering team.

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CrateDB and Airflow

Automating export of CrateDB data to S3 using Apache Airflow

Learn how to harness the power of Apache Airflow with CrateDB, with Niklas Schmidtmer and Marija Selakovic from CrateDB's Customer Engineering team!

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