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Use CrateDB With SQuirreL as a Basic Java Desktop Client

Use CrateDB With SQuirreL as a Basic Java Desktop Client

Because CrateDB supports the PostgreSQL wire protocol, many PostgreSQL clients will work with CrateDB. That includes graphical clients like SQuirreL.

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The Rise of the Distributed SQL Database

The Rise of the Distributed SQL Database

The rise of distributed SQL databases has revolutionized application architecture, allowing scalability & flexibility without sacrificing the SQL power.

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What to Look at When You're Monitoring a Distributed Java Application

What to Look at When You're Monitoring a Distributed Java Application

In this post we will show you what to look at when you're monitoring a distributed java application.

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Lab Notes: Extending Support for Scalar Subqueries

Lab Notes: Extending Support for Scalar Subqueries

In this post, I will introduce scalar subqueries, explain what challenges we faced extending this feature in CrateDB, and then show you how we addressed those challenges.

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Feature Focus: Making Things Hyper Fast Fast

Feature Focus: Making Things Hyper Fast Fast

The CrateDB 2.3.x release line is stable now, so head on over to the downloads page to get started. In this post, I will take a closer look at some of the other new features in 2.3.

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Feature Focus: UNION ALL

Feature Focus: UNION ALL

The CrateDB 2.3.x release line isn't stable yet, but if you're interested in trying it out for testing purposes, head on over to the downloads page. In this post, I will take a closer look at some of the new features.

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Announcing CrateDB 2.3

Announcing CrateDB 2.3

A testing release of CrateDB 2.3 has just been published, and it's been enhanced with user password authentication, many SQL improvements, new doc and more.

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Use CrateDB and PopSQL for Collaborative SQL Editing

Use CrateDB and PopSQL for Collaborative SQL Editing

A blog post about how to get set up with CrateDB and PopSQL, a collaborative desktop SQL editor for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.

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Getting started with CrateDB as an MQTT endpoint

Getting started with CrateDB as an MQTT endpoint

How to write a simple Python script that publishes MQTT messages and how CrateDB simplifies this by acting as an MQTT endpoint.

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Use CrateDB and Franchise for a Notebook Interface to Your Data

Use CrateDB and Franchise for a Notebook Interface to Your Data

In this blog post we'll show you how to get set up with CrateDB and Franchise using it for a Notebook Interface to Your Data.

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