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Articles about snowsprint

Beyond Whiteboards: Crate Goes Snowsprinting

Once a year the Crate community interprets the 'sprint' concept in a different way. We lock ourselves in a lodge in the Austrian Alps for a week of coding, cooking and skiing.

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Cr8: a Collection of Utility Scripts for Working with Clusters

Another great project from Snow Sprint, Cr8, a selection of utility scripts for working with Crate clusters.

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Ctop: a Top Tool for Crate Clusters

Ctop: a Top Tool for Crate Clusters

Fresh from Snow Sprint comes ctop, a top tool for Crate clusters.

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Crate with Docker, Weave, Flocker, and Powerstrip at SnowSprint

WeaveWorks and ClusterHQ people hacked together the final pieces of a new project called Powerstrip at the CrateDB Snow sprint 2016.

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