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Articles about cratedb-cloud

CrateDB Cloud

Introducing Scheduled Jobs and Cloud Query Console

New CrateDB Cloud features are available: new left bar menus, integrated query console, and SQL job scheduler.

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Globbing Support

Seamless Data Ingestion: Exploring CrateDB Cloud's New Import Features

Simplify your data imports with Cloud's new support for globbing, easier to handle large volumes of data from services like Segment or AWS CloudTrail.

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How to import data to your CrateDB cluster

How to import data to your CrateDB cluster

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through three different approaches to importing data into your CrateDB Cloud cluster. Know them now.

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sharding and partitioning best practices in CrateDB

Guide to sharding and partitioning best practices in CrateDB

Learn about sharding and partitioning in CrateDB! The basic definitions, the principles behind shard distribution and replication and to avoid bottlenecks.

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CrateDB 5.2 Scrollable Cursors, Bitwise Operators and New Aggregations

CrateDB v5.2: Scrollable Cursors, Bitwise Operators and New Aggregations

CrateDB v5.2 brings support for (backward) scrollable cursors, bitwise operators and min_by/max_by aggregations and more! Know all in this blog post.

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API tokens for CrateDB Cloud

Introducing API tokens for CrateDB Cloud

API tokens are a new functionality that makes it easier to integrate CrateDB Cloud into your existing workflows and applications programmatically!   

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Cluster Cloning: The Ultimate Feature for Duplicating Your Cloud Cluster

Cluster Cloning: The Ultimate Feature for Duplicating Your Cloud Cluster

Do you want a faster, more efficient way to test new versions, migrate data, or try new features in a safe environment? Check the Cluster Cloning feature! 

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data lake

CrateDB on Acceleration for Data Lakes

Data Lakes became a standard for large volumes of data and running business analytics. Today, requirements increased, and this is where CrateDB comes in!

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CrateDB Community Day first edition

CrateDB Community Day: Event Summary

November 9th was a big day for us Craties and our Community: We had our very first CrateDB Community Day! Take a look at a summary of the day.

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data analytics

5 Data and Analytics trends you should know

Don't let future technologies catch you off guard. Data drives business decisions, helping with planning and risk assessment. Know the current trends!

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