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CrateDB 3.2 (Stable) Available Now

CrateDB 3.2 (Stable) Available Now

Support for changing the number of shards on existing tables, enhanced PostgreSQL dialect compatibility, the addition of window functions, and stricter license handling.

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CrateDB 3.1 (Stable) Available Now

CrateDB 3.1 (Stable) Available Now

CrateDB 3.1 (stable) has been released and is now faster and easier to use than ever. Here's a quick tour of the highlights.

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CrateDB 3.0.2 (Stable) Available Now

CrateDB 3.0.2 (Stable) Available Now

Hey folks! CrateDB version 3.0.2 was released recently and is now available in the stable release channels.

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CrateDB 2.3.5 (Stable) Available Now

CrateDB version 2.3.5 was released recently and is now available in the stable release channels. This is a fix release that includes the following changes.

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Feature Focus: Making Things Hyper Fast Fast

Feature Focus: Making Things Hyper Fast Fast

The CrateDB 2.3.x release line is stable now, so head on over to the downloads page to get started. In this post, I will take a closer look at some of the other new features in 2.3.

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Feature Focus: UNION ALL

Feature Focus: UNION ALL

The CrateDB 2.3.x release line isn't stable yet, but if you're interested in trying it out for testing purposes, head on over to the downloads page. In this post, I will take a closer look at some of the new features.

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Announcing CrateDB 2.3

Announcing CrateDB 2.3

A testing release of CrateDB 2.3 has just been published, and it's been enhanced with user password authentication, many SQL improvements, new doc and more.

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Getting started with CrateDB as an MQTT endpoint

Getting started with CrateDB as an MQTT endpoint

How to write a simple Python script that publishes MQTT messages and how CrateDB simplifies this by acting as an MQTT endpoint.

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New with CrateDB 2.2 - MQTT, Prometheus, Telegraf, and SSL

New with CrateDB 2.2 - MQTT, Prometheus, Telegraf, and SSL

With the new CrateDB 2.2 testing release out now, we’re announcing the availability of the following...

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rust-cratedb 1.0

With the 1.0 release of a Rust driver for CrateDB, this post shares how the driver works and explains the design decisions during its creation.

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