CrateDB v5.7 Release: Support for Foreign Data Wrappers, JWT Authentication, GCS Repositories, and More
CrateDB v.5.7 has been released with new features, including support for Foreign Data Wrappers, JWT authentication, GCS repositories, and more!
CrateDB v.5.7 has been released with new features, including support for Foreign Data Wrappers, JWT authentication, GCS repositories, and more!
New CrateDB Cloud features are available: new left bar menus, integrated query console, and SQL job scheduler.
The introduction of BKD-tree-based indexing has brought notable enhancements in query performance (both indexing and lookup), streamlined index configuration and minimized storage demands.
CrateDB v.5.6 has been released with new features, including role/privilege inheritance, column renaming, table restoration, and more!
Learn how to get started with CrateDB, with the best tutorials, from installation to logical replication!
Simplify your data imports with Cloud's new support for globbing, easier to handle large volumes of data from services like Segment or AWS CloudTrail.
This post describes the process of scaling ingest throughput from a single node cluster to reaching 1 million rows per second.
With Astro and CrateDB Cloud discover a speedy basic setup so you can run an ELT/ETL pipeline today, all up in the cloud, for free!
Let's explore how to leverage the power of CrateDB in conjunction with Dask, to perform efficient data processing and analysis tasks!
Leverage the full potential of Apache Airflow with CrateDB, by Niklas Schmidtmer and Marija Selakovic from CrateDB's Customer Engineering team.