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Time Series Data Storage

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Partitioning, sharding, and replication are vital for efficient storage of time series data. These techniques enhance data management and querying, leading to significant performance improvements, particularly for large datasets.

  • Partitioning: CrateDB's partitioning feature splits up large tables into smaller chunks, improving query performance. It allows efficient data management, especially for large time series data. Read more >

  • Sharding: Sharding distributes data across multiple nodes, improving query speed and updates. This setup significantly enhances query performance for large time-series datasets and concurrent queries. Read more >

  • Replication: Replication, depending on the availability SLAs of your application, improves fault tolerance. CrateDB ensures distribution of primary and replica shards across nodes, enhancing data availability and durability. Read more >
When implementing sharding and partitioning in CrateDB, consider total shards, partitions, replicas, data volume, and cluster size for optimal performance. Aim for shards equal to CPUs for maximum query distribution.

Guide to Sharding and Partitioning Best Practices in CrateDB

Discover the key concepts of sharding and partitioning in CrateDB in our tutorial, which explores their importance in system scaling. You will learn how to plan for future growth and the principles behind shard distribution and replication.

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Guide to sharding and partitioning best practices in CrateDB

Sharding and Partitioning for Time Series

In this tutorial video, we'll emphasize the importance of both sharding and partitioning when it comes to storing time series data with CrateDB. We'll illustrate how partitioning breaks down data into smaller, manageable segments, and how sharding distributes data horizontally across multiple nodes.

Watch the video >

Guide for Time Series Data Projects

This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to get started with a time series data project. It helps you get a deeper understanding of time series data storage and explains some best practices for your partitioning and sharding strategy. 

Whitepaper: "Guide for Time Series Projects: Data Modeling, Storage, and Lifecycle with CrateDB"

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