Find the latest reported values with ease. Introducing max_by and min_by aggregations in CrateDB v5.2
Know more about CrateDB v5.2 two new aggregation functions: max_by and min_by, and why they will make your life easier!
Know more about CrateDB v5.2 two new aggregation functions: max_by and min_by, and why they will make your life easier!
Learn about sharding and partitioning in CrateDB! The basic definitions, the principles behind shard distribution and replication and to avoid bottlenecks.
CrateDB v5.2 brings support for (backward) scrollable cursors, bitwise operators and min_by/max_by aggregations and more! Know all in this blog post.
API tokens are a new functionality that makes it easier to integrate CrateDB Cloud into your existing workflows and applications programmatically!
The first month of 2023 has already passed. New events are just around the corner, as well as content and exciting product updates! 🤩
In this summary, discover more about's first expert talk of 2023! Know more about IIoT and how SPGo! builds apps for monitoring and predictive maintenance.
Do you want a faster, more efficient way to test new versions, migrate data, or try new features in a safe environment? Check the Cluster Cloning feature!
You might wonder what the right place to start when using CrateDB. All of the tutorials are free to access and feature guidance from our best engineers.
We're working hard to end this year with brand-new CrateDB updates and a few more things that you should know before 2023!
In this guide, we will give you a throughout understanding of how CrateDB writes new records, basic concepts of Lucene and the concept of translog!